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We sell online all the eight titles in the "Vikram Aditya Adventure Series" by acclaimed author Deepak Dalal.

Ranthmbore Adventure
Deepak Dalal
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Ladakh Adventure
Deepak Dalal
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Sahyadri Adventure - Anirudh’s Dream
Deepak Dalal
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Andaman Adventure - The Jarawa
Deepak Dalal
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Lakshadweep Adventure
Deepak Dalal
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Sahyadri Adventure - Koleshwar’s Secret
Deepak Dalal
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Andaman Adventure - Barren Island
Deepak Dalal
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The Snow Leopard Adventure
Deepak Dalal
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The Elephant bird
Arefa Tehsin
This is a book written for children who are ready to read on their own. It is penned by Arefa Tehsin, who is a wildlife warden at Udaipur and who writes both for children and adults. The book is illustrated by Sonal Goyal and Sumit Sakuja who together run a design studio.
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The Secret Life of Tigers
Valmik Thapar
Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 1999. Pp99, Rs 295/-

Field Guide-Some South Indian Butterflies
K.Gunathila Garaj, T.N.A Perumal and M. Ganesh Kumar.
Published by Nilgiri Wildlife Association. Pp290, Rs. 395/-


What's That Bird?-A guide to birdwatching, with special reference to Delhi.
KalpaVriksh, Illustrations by Centre for Environment Education and KalpaVriksh. (1991) pp 93, Rs 30/-

Common Birds
Salim ali and Laeeq Futehally
(first edition 1967, second 1989, reprint 1997)
National Book Trust, India. pp 126, Rs.30/-

The Dance of the Sarus: Essays of a wandering naturalist
S.Theodore Bhaskaran, Oxford University Press, New Delhi
The book contains 53 highly readable short essays, previously published in the 'Hindu', Swagat, Frontline and 'Down to Earth'. Wherever required, the information is updated. Mr. Bhaskaran has travelled all over the country, watching Ceylon frogmouth in Indira Ganhi Wildlife Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu and the dipper in the Himalayas, sarus crane in Gujrat and leaf monkeys in Tripura. One of the most interesting articles is on donkeys. The Dance of the Sarus makes good reading to those in light reading on Indian natural history. Pp 240+xviii plates, Rs 295/-

Volume on Indian wildlife laws
The Doon Valley Green Book Shop has brought out the book on environment, forest and wildlife protection laws in India, with technical and financial support of the Wildlife Protection Society of India.
The Handbook of Environment, Forest and Wildlife Protection Laws in India provides a ready reference for regulatory officials, legal professional, environmentalists and non-governmental organisations. It covers all important laws passed in India regarding care of the environment and forests and wildlife protection and provides non-professionals an idea about how the judicial system works with regards to environmental laws.
The foreword is written by Justice Kuldip Singh, who has passed many environmentally significant judgements and includes articles by writers like Maneka Gandhi, Wildlife Institute of India director Sujit Mukherjee and others.

Book on Indian Wildlife Flowers
'Common Indian Wild Flowers' is a publication by Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) and is a guide to the study of flowers that are commonly seen in one's backyard, roadside and forest. The author, Isaac D. Kehimkar has been working with BNHS for 22 years. He is a keen naturalist and accomplished photographer.
The book contains 240 colour photographs of common Indian wild flowers with explanatory notes on the size, habitat, distribution and interesting features. The species have been arranged in taxonomic sequence, and common names in English and regional names have also been given. The book covers common herbs, shrubs and climbers. Some rare and endangered species have also been included to draw attention to conservation and protection of the rich biodiversity of India.
Besides separate sections on the topography, climate and vegetation of India, conservation issues, there are some interesting sections on how and where to watch wild flowers. In the gardening section and in plant descriptions, plant associations with birds, butterfly and other insects have been mentioned and how to attract them with planting right species.
The hardbound book is priced at Rs 375/- To order contact pp142


Himalayas- Trees and Forests
Ashok Dilwali
Here is a coffee table book worth possessing. Many of us have trekked the valleys and forests of the Himalayas. The acclaimed landscape photographer brings back those wonderful memories through the trained eye of a professional who is an artist at heart.
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Nature Watch
Kushwant singh, Suddhasattwa Basu, UBS Publishers'Distributors Ltd.
'Nature Watch' is the joint product of one of India's finest painters of natural phenomena and one of the country's leading novelists and short story writers whose series 'The World of Nature' was highly rated on Indian Television.
It is the diary of a nature lover patterned after the traditional Baramasi of Indian poets. It tells you of trees, flowers, fruits, birds, snakes, insects and animals to be seen during the twelve months of the year. pp132, Rs 175/-

The Tiger is a Gentleman
Vivek Sinha Wildlife, Bangalore
The husband and wife team of Vivek (retired bureaucrat)and Arati Sinha, are committed conservationists, whose photographs speak eloquently of India's wildlife. In the slim volume, Sinha writes of the unforeseen encounters he had had with wildlife during his camera hunts. How it feels being charged by an angry tiger settling in new territory, the suspense when their jeep breaks down amongst elephants, and similar encounters where only the forbearance of wild animals brought a happy ending. There are 15 chapters illustrated with photographs. Pp 160, Rs 395/-

The Fauna of Bangalore
S. Karthikeyan, WWF, Bangalore
The booklet is a compilation of data from various sources. It lists all the major faunal groups-mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fishes and butterfliesrecorded so far from Bangalore city and its surroundings. The booklet is a good effort to create conservation awareness in an urban area. The author makes it clear that its purpose is to assist amateurs. Pp48+vi plates


The Elephant bird
Arefa Tehsin
This is a book written for children who are ready to read on their own. It is penned by Arefa Tehsin, who is a wildlife warden at Udaipur and who writes both for children and adults. The book is illustrated by Sonal Goyal and Sumit Sakuja who together run a design studio.
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Birdywood Buzz
Mor Khan, the famous director is off to Birdywood to cast for his new film putting all the birds in a tizzy! What do they have to do to bag a role in the film?
The book introduces more than twenty species of birds through this fun-filled story enabling children to identify the birds of the forest. An edu-fiction.
Publisher: Tulika Books
Price: Rs 150
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The Great Birdywood Games
The birds of the jungle decide to organize their own version of the Olympics to decide which birds are the fastest on land, in water and in the sky. A fact-filled book that educates as it entertains. An edu-fiction.
Publisher: Tulika Books
Price: Rs 150
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Watch Out!
the king of the jungle and is feared by all beasts, however, its little ones are not safe from predators. What is life like for the cubs when they are little? A bi-lingual book that children will enjoy for they will identify with the playful little cubs.
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Little Flamingo Searches for Food
Little Flamingo is bored of eating the same food day in and day out, and sets off to look for something more interesting than algae and mollusks. In this book children will learn about how different beaks are adapted to different food. An edu-fiction
Publisher: Scholastic
Price: Rs 160
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Natural Capitalism: The Next Industrial Revolution
Amory and Hunter Lovins, Paul Hawken

The book shows how innovative businesses can reap big productivity gains by behaving as if living systems, such as the supply of oxygen by green plants, were properly valued.

"Humankind has inherited a 3.8 billion year store of natural capital. At present rates of use and degradation there will be little left by the end of the next century. "

The book teems with practical business examples of how industrial processes can be redesigned to cut waste and pollution and sharply boost productivity and energy efficiency. Natural capital should be stewarded as prudently as money by the trustees of financial capital since environmental damage cannot be repaired by conventional business wisdom, the authors argue.

Their new industrialism would consist of a huge rise in the use of recycling, re-manufacturing, leasing and emerging technologies that mimic natural processes. Some examples:

  • Ultra-light hydrogen fuel cell-powered hypercars. The world's biggest car companies are already racing to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in development. "How clean a car would you buy if its exhaust pipe, instead of being aimed at pedestrians, fed directly into the passenger compartment?" ask the authors.
  • Engineers have already designed cars that act as plug-in electric generators when they are parked and could become the small scale power plants of the future.
  • The world's supply of lumber and pulp could be grown in an area the size of Iowa if de-printable and re-printable papers and inks, plus innovative ways to use fibre, are adopted fully.
  • Houses so design-efficient that no air conditioning is needed.
  • Goods, like carpets or cars, are leased rather than sold, then returned to the manufacturers when they need replacing.
  • Building technologies already exist that can make oxygen, generate solar power and produce drinking water, helping owners pay the mortgage while they inhabit them.
  • Making markets in saved resources like energy, water, fibres, minerals of land, where arbitrageurs exploit the spread between the cost of used materials and saved materials.

Natural Capital is defined as the familiar resources used by humanity - water, minerals, oil, trees, fish, soil and air. It also means living systems - wet-lands, savannas, forests, tundra, estuaries and ponds, as well as inhabitants like fungi, fish, bacteria, mammals, amphibians, insects and birds, they say.

The forest produces not only the resource of wood but also the services of water storage and flood management. The authors quote estimates that show biological services flowing directly into society from nature are worth $ 36 trillions annually, close to annual gross world product of $ 39 trillions.

The three thinkers estimate that more than 90% of the global flow of physical materials used in industrial processes- some 500 billion tonnes per year-ends up as waste.

But far from being eco-warriors, the authors see the profit motive as the best way to turn businesses into agents of environmental revival while maintaining shareholder returns.

They concede that success depends on the reversal of 200 years of policies in taxes, labour, industry and trade meant to encourage extraction, depletion and disposal: Under natural capitalism, any waste sent to a landfill or incinerator would be taxed.

"The atmosphere is not free when there are six billion other people who have to share it near term and untold generations after them. If you want to put gases there, you have to pay."

Such changes might sound like a tall order but in fact that transformation is already on the way, they say, pointing to multinationals that fund research into climate protection.

" While there may be no right way to value a forest, a river or a child, the wrong way is to give it no value at all. If there are doubts about how to value a 700-year-old tree, ask how much it would cost to make a new one."

Pachamama-Our earth - Our future
Published by United Nations Environment Program (UNEP and Peace Child International)
The book is comprehensive and the graphics draw children toward serious environmental issues. The book is drawn from the contributions of thosands of young people around the world. Sample Nigerian Chris Ugwa's take on afforestation. "My parents told me the forest is sacred. In the past, trees were cut responsibly, not indiscriminately as they are today. "he says. The observation is accompanied by facts on natural forests, deforestation, forest fires and sick forests. A dark green visual shows the location of the last remaining tropical rainforests.

Publications by Kalpavriksh-Environmental Action Group

Coastal Conservation through Enterprise, at Rekawa Lagoon, Srilanka. 2000
S.U.K. Ekaratne, S.S.Jinendradasa, M.D. Abeysisrigunawardana & John Davenport
pp 57, Rs 60, USD 6.

Tribal Self Rule and Natural Resource Management: Community Based Conservation at Mendha Lekha, Maharastra, India. 2001
Neema Pathak and Vivek Gour Broome
pp 150, Rs 100, USD 10.

Customs and Conservation: Cases of Traditional and Modern Law in India and Nepal. 2002
Ruchi Pant
pp 130, Rs 75, USD 7.

The Jarawa Tribal Reserve Dossier, Cultural and Biological Diversities in the Andaman Islands. 2010
Pankaj Sekhsaria and Vishvajit Pandya
pp 215.

Protected Area Update (bi-monthly)
News and information from protected areas in India and South Asia. Entire set of Protected Area Update is also available on CD.

Urban Environment - The Green Vein. 2007
Tasneem Balasinorwala
pp 36, Rs 100, USD 10.

India’s Notified Ecologically Sensitive Areas
Meenakshi Kapoor, Kanchi Kohli and Manju Menon
pp 108, Rs 150, USD 10.

Calling the Bluff: Revealing the state of Monitoring and Compliance of Environmental Clearance Conditions. 2009
Kanchi Kohli and Manju Menon with Sanchari Das and Divya Badami
pp 32 + Data CD Rs 150, USD 10.

Nought Without Cause (Almost everyone’s guide to the Underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation in the era of neoliberal globalization). 2009
Compiled by Milind Wani
pp 220, Rs 100, USD 10.

Undermining India: Impacts of Mining on Ecologically Sensitive Areas. 2003
Neeraj Vagholikar and Kaustubh Moghe, with Ritwick Dutta
pp 105, Rs 75, USD 7.

Troubled Islands: Writings on the Indigenous Peoples and the Environment of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. 2003
Pankaj Sekhsaria
pp100, Rs 120, USD 10.

Eleven Years of the Environment Impact Assessment Notification, 1994; How Effective Has It Been? 2005
Kanchi Kohli and Manju Menon
pp 94, Rs 100, USD 10.

Alternative Power Planning. 2007
Tejal Kanitkar, Girish Sant, Sreekumar Nhalur and Neeraj Vagholikar
pp 32, Rs 20, USD 3.

The Environmental Aspects of the Sardar Sarovar Project. 1994
Ashish Kothari and Rahul Ram
pp 50, Rs 35, USD 3.

Education & Environment - The Ghost of the Mountains. 2008
Sujatha Padmanabhan
pp 28, Rs 100, USD 10.

Forests Alive! (CD) 2007
Sujatha Padmanabhan, Sunita Rao and Yashodara Kundaji
Rs 150, USD 15.

Ri Gyancha. 2010
Sujatha Padmanabhan and Yashodara Kundaji
Rs 350, USD 30.

Conservation & Livelihood: Community Conserved Areas in India – A Directory. 2009
Compiled By Neema Pathak
pp 800, Hard bound Rs 500, USD 30.

6 Years of the Biological Diversity Act in India: A Status Report - Why and how we examine implementation. 2009
Compiled by Kanchi Kohli, Mashqura Fareedi, and Shalini Bhutani
pp 63, Rs 75, USD 6.

Process Documentation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan – India. 2006
Seema Bhatt and Kanchi Kohli with Ashish Kothari
pp 108 Rs 100, USD 10.

Understanding Diversity Act 2002 – A dossier. 2006
Compiled by Kanchi Kohli
pp 160, Rs 150, USD 10.

A Simple guide to Intellectual Property Rights, Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge. 2006
Tejaswini Apte
pp 150, Rs 150, USD 10.

A Guide to the Biodiversity Act 2002. 2007
Compiled by Shantha Bhushan
pp 80, Rs 150, USD 10.

Securing India’s Future: Final Technical Report of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP). 2005
National Plan Drafting Core Group: Ashish Kothari, Seema Bhatt, Kanchi Kohli, Sujatha Padnanabhan, Konthoujam Khelchandra Singh, Elizabeth Thomas and Vidyadhar Gadgil
pp 62 + CD, Rs 150, USD 10. The CD containing the full report is also available separately.

Where Communities Care: Community Based Wildlife and Ecosystem Management in South Asia. 2000
Ashish Kothari, Neema Pathak and Farhad Vania
pp 222, Rs 100, USD 10.

Sharing the Benefits of Biodiversity: The Kani-TBGRI deal in Kerala, India. 2000
R.V. Anuradha
pp 43, Rs 40, USD 3.

Source Book on Community Based Conservation in South Asia: People, Policies and Publications. 2000
Compiled by Farhad Vania, Neema Pathak, Ashish Kothari and Tejaswini Apte
pp 127, Rs 75, USD 7.

These are the currently relevant, well researched; and nominally priced publications on various issues of environment and development that have been brought out by Kalpavriksh over the last three decades or so.

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