Forum > Books > GLOBE Soil Color Book

Posted by JEETEKNO on April 04, 2016


Globe Professional Edition SoilColor Book

Thisprofessional edition includes Hues 10R to 5Y and Gley colors from 10Y to 5B.Organized in a ”waterfall” design, every color in each six-page set is visibleat the same time, and the last page of each set functions as a convenient tab.Large color stripes measuring approximately 11/16” wide provide for easy colorcomparison. The book features lacquer-coated color stripes printed onwater-resistant stock that can be cleaned with water and liquid soap if needed.

TheGlobe Soil Color Book

SecondEdition. This water-resistant soil book features a unique ”waterfall” pagedesign with each of the 208 extra-large color samples stripe-coated across thepage for easy comparison to soil samples, while also preserving thethree-dimensional color order throughout the book. Features 8 hues (7.5R - 5Y),23 Gley colors, a soil structure ruler, and diagrams and instructions fordetermining soil color, structure, texture, consistence, and free carbonates.Constructed of water-resistant, non-paper stock. Chart may be exposed tomoisture and cleaned after use without damage. Page sizes vary according to “waterfall”effect: 2”, 2-1/4”, 2-1/2”, 2-3/4”. Color stripe size: approx. 11/16” wide.


Munsell Washable Book of Soil Color Charts 2009Revision. Use to judge color of rocks, archaeological specimens, animal pelage,and many natural products in this color range. This revised edition featuresthe same colors available in previous books plus additional color. Included area 10Y and 5GY soil chart for glauconite soils, a 5R soil chart for AustraliaandSoutheast Asia, and a 7.5R soil chart for tropical and semi-tropical soils.A Munsell high value, low chroma white page shows half steps from 8.5 to 9.5 invalue with chromas of 1 and 2 for N, 7.5YR, 10YR, and 2.5Y. Use this page todescribe carbonate, silica, gypsum, and soluble salt precipitates andevaporites common to arid and semi-arid environments as well as very lightcoloredparent materials such as diatomaceous earth and volcanic ash. The book lightgray pages decrease sun glare. The color chips are recessed into eachwater-resistant page to allow dirt and debris to be wiped off easily with lesseffect on the color chips. 2009 Revised Edition.


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