News and Views

SARANG-The Peacock

Web Of Magic

'It was a poem on celluloid with a very clever choice of an engrossing and colourful subject. The visuals, the music, the script all blended so well to weave a web of magic around the viewers.'

Padma Ramasubban
General Manager, State Bank Of India, Singapore.

Soul Stirring Music

'The music was soul stirring and I was distracted from the visuals. I was most fascinated by the informations provided. The links between ragamala paintings, peacocks and sarang raag was effectively enumerated. I was attracted to the shot of peafowl and the snake. But most absorbing part was survival of the two left over chicks. The entire project, one felt was thoroughly researched, conceived and executed keeping in view perfect balance of presentation.

R. Mohan,
Chief Manager , Times Music.

India's Wildlife Interests Artists.

India's rich and abundant wildlife has inspired poets, musicians and painters. Traditional Hindustani music sounds derived from the sounds of the peacock, elephant, deer etc.

A deep interest in music and a deeper interest in the natural world and its conservation has been the motivation for Dr. Susan Sharma ( to conceptualize a series of wildlife documentaries linking the two. The first in the series is 'Sarang-The Peacock', which has been aired on India's TV channel and also participated in the Mumbai International Film festival.

Wildlife film News Vol. 12 at

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