Bird Watching

Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary-an update

Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary-An update
-Susan Sharma

IWC presentation on slide share has got over 1400 views as of now and donations have been coming into Yashpal Negi's account.  I have confirmed this in a talk with Mr. Negi.  Mr. Negi and his village in Kakragad do not have Internet facility and communication lines are cut off except for the mobile phone.  Mr Negi plans to rebuild Mandakini Bird camp near his own house in the village which is further removed from the banks of Mandakini River. 

I have also received a report from Santanil Ganguli * who organized a theatre performance in aid of Mandakini Bird Camp.
Here is the report. 

Friday, July 12, 2013, Jhalapala* had organized a small event at Tripti Mitra Theatre Hall, Kolkata to raise fund for the victims of Uttarakhand. Simultaneously this event aimed at bringing awareness among children and elders about the environment and our attitude towards it.

The event started with author and environmentalist Shilanjon Bhattacharya placing his views to the audience. He discussed the changing relation between man and environment very lucidly. He told us how the harm is inflicted in the name of development, right from the Himalays to the Sunderbans. He also pointed out the daily habits that endanger the environment and subsequently our very existence.

The second half of the event featured a play by Jhalapala. Jhalapala is staging plays for children for the last 17 years. This day they chose to stage the DUSHTU BAGH (Naughty Tiger) based on the story of Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury.  As the play progressed it also became more and more evident how we are continuing to disrupt the natural balance and polluting the environment. With the help of interesting narrative style the play categorically points out to us our selfish attitude towards the environment and its dire consequences.

At the end of the event a sheet was spread on which everyone donated as their means permitted for the victims of Uttarkhand. The organizers promised that after adding personally collected amount to this fund, it will be sent to Mr. Yashpal Singh Negi of Kakorgad, Uttarakhand, so that everyone’s favourite Mandakini Magpie Bird Watcher’s Camp can be restored.  

Help rebuild Mandakini Magpie Bird Watchers’ Camp Send money to 
Yashpal Singh Negi
 Kakragad, PO Bhiri, 
Dist. Rudraprayag Uttarakhand 246419, India
 Mobile No. 09412909399
 Bank Acctt. Detail State Bank Of India - Bhiri, Code - 9834,Saving Acctt. No. 11442534733

 Those who contribute more than Rs 1000/- may send in their name, email id , date and amount of credit to IndianWildlifeClub .com will send a high resolution copy of ‘ Morning Glory at Kedarnath” to each one of them. 
The Telegraph, Calcutta
Jhalapala, a children’s theatre group from Dum Dum, has blended theatre with the art of patas to add a new dimension to theatre viewing. “Upendrakishore Ray Chowdhury’s works have that strength and simplicity of folk art like patachitras — people from all sections of society can understand and enjoy them,” said director Santanil Ganguly.

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