Answers To Quiz Of The Month

Right Answers to `Elephants-Part IV`

Last month no one has given all right answers, but this time, and have given 7 right answers

Right Answers to 'Elephants Quiz Part IV'

1. The weight of a baby elephant at birth is  …...

 □ 50 kg                       □ 90 kg                        □ 40 kg           

2. How much water can an elephant drink in a day?

            □ 500-800 litres                       □ 300-500 litres                       □ 100-300 litres

3. What are the 'annulus'?.

            □ rings on the trunk       □ toenails          □  hair on the tail

4. If an elephant dies of old age, how does it die?

            □ its last set of teeth falls out & it starves           □ its heart bursts                       □ in a fight with a younger member

5.How fast is an elephant's sprint?

            □ 15 mph                     □ 25 mph         □ it can't sprint

6. When does an elephant reach maturity?

            □ 18 years                    □ 25 years.       □ 12 years

7. Elephas maximus is the term used for….

            □ Asian Elephants                     □ African elephants                   □ Asian & African elephants

8. In what year did  Hannibal ( of Carthage, invading Italy)  use elephants when he crossed the Alps?

            □ 1100 A.D                             □ 218 A.D                               □ 218 B.C

9. In 1882 P.T. Barnum purchased 'Jumbo' and made hima star of his circus.  Jumbo was an elephant from ….

            □ India             □ Thailand                    □ Africa

10. There are two types of African Elephants.  One is the Forest elephant.  What is the other one?

            □ Savannah elephants                           □ Bush elephants                      □  Desert elephants

Your are in the age group:

            □ Below 18 years         □ Between 19 & 30      □ Between 31 & 50      □ Above 50 years

Please try our quiz for the current month at Large Mammals

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