Gardening for wildlife

Climbers- Plants for partition and privacy

Ms.Promila Chaturvedi is a freelance landscape designer whose organization "Gardens India" undertakes a number of projects in landscaping and gardening.

In big towns, where the pressure on land is so high that the houses are very close to each other, one finds it difficult to live without encroaching the privacy of neighbours. One can combat this problem by giving a simple twist in the planting scheme.

One can add a few charming climbers on a steel frame (trellis) in the direction which needs hiding. If some body wants to add colour to a drab wall the climbers can be trained on it. One of these climbers is Ipomoea, which is not only easy to grow but also very colourful

Ipomoea belongs to a large Clnvolvolaceae family. Ipomoea is a combination of two Greek words Ipso-means bind and nomios means similar. It is found in tropical and sub tropical region of the world. Approximately four hundred varieties of Ipomoea are introduced in India. They are hardy, self-supporting, evergreen and vigorous climbers shrubs and ground covers and some of them are annuals also. They grow 1.8m to 13m in height. The funnel shaped flowers are large and showy, but short-lived.
These are not fussy plants. They can be grown in acidic as well as alkaline soil. But too much of acidic or alkaline soil does not suit them. They do not like water logging.

Some of the ipomoeas have economic value also. Ipomoea batata- the sweet potato is grown for its food value. A purgative is taken out from Ipomoea turpenthum. In Britain resin from Ipomoea perga is used as purgative. Ipomoea pescaprae is a sand binder.

Ipomoea palmata
It is woody perennial with large flower, which blooms August-October, in purple blue, and rich-green palmate leaves it is also known asRailway Creeper. It is from South America but now grows in hot parts of both hemispheres. It can screen a very high structure and give full privacy to the residents living in multi-storied society flats.

Ipomoea bonanox
It is a night flowering Ipomoea, which is known as Chandra Kanti. It is a very fast growing flower creeper. Its flower starts opening at sunset, and the flower has a lovely perfume.

Ipomoea horsfalliae -Crimson Ipomoea
The large structure is ovate-palmate with five leaves. Though evergreen but unlike most perennial Ipomoeas it does not bloom round the year, it flowers from September-December only. Its flowers are narrow 2.6in; funnel shaped and deep rose in colour.
It is found in hot parts of American region and old world and cultivated all over in tropic and sub-tropical region. It is difficult to grow.
Its flowers look very charming on trellis or on veranda or tree trunk.

Ipomoea purpuria
The common morning glory is an annual hairy climber with ovate-acuminate leaves. Flowers are 2-3in long funnel shaped, pale blue to purple in colour grow five in a bunch usually.

Ipomoea rubrocaerulea or Nipomo Tricolour
Rubrocaerulea means red and sky blue. It is bluer than red and rather smaller than other blue ipomoeas and having a feel of red veins and the throat is white. It is an annual and native of Mexico but now is grown almost in all hot countries.
Its new hybrids are-. `Wedding Bells', Tricolour `Flying Saucers' have white flowers flaked blue.

The annual Ipomoeas or Morning glory's seed have hard shells; so before sowing chit and soak overnight.

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