
World House Sparrowday

Why celebrate a house sparrow day?  Because, the lowly but sturdy sparrows are a good indicator of bio diversity and their decline in urban areas is proof that we have succumbed to chemical fertilizers and pesticides, not only in agricultural fields which are around us but also in the small kitchen gardens next to our homes.

20th March 2010 was celebrated as the first Worldhousesparrowday.  Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dixit unveiled a nest box for sparrows made by "NatureForever" while Mr. Asad Rahmani of BNHS looked on.

That the Chief Minister of Delhi spared time for the cause is proof that organic gardens in and around our homes must show the way for sparrows.  The CM herself has converted the compound of her bungalow to a "Green Canopy" open to public for nature trails. Fruit bats outside the CM's house kept a cacophony going at the inaugural function held at her residence.

Write-up about fruit bats at the interpretation Centre at 3, Motilal Nehru Place

Mrs. Barrack Obama hosting organic lunches for children from produce of her kitchen garden made news recently.  Realization is dawning worldwide that we need to say no to chemical fertilizers and pesticides, to protect ourselves, if not the sparrows.  Sparrows are but an indicator of what is in store for our future generations.

The vermi compost pit Sheila Dixit's organic garden Ms Lima Rosalind explaining the digital kiosk at the interpretation centre to a visitor.

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