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Learning in a Community of Practice-My Page

-Dr Susan Sharma

Explore our newest feature-My (personalized learning) Page!

Over the years IndianWildlifeClub.com has developed into a Community of Practice with users sharing experiences through online chats, travel experiences, web blogs and original articles.
We have channeled this information into knowledge,  in a Personalized Learning Environment
(PLE) on the web portal.  Environmental sustainability will be everyone's concern, if each
one of us discovers his or her own personal reason to be concerned about it.
All registered users can now change their profile details, see their uploads (blogs, trip
reports) on the portal, see the searches they have made in one place and also scribble notes and save them.

Indianwildlifeclub.com is inspired by and moulded by the vision of E.Wenger’s Community of
Practice concept.

"Communities of practice are groups of people who share a passion for something that they
know how to do, and who interact regularly in order to learn how to do it better.
"A community of practice is not just a personal network: it is about something. Its identity
is defined not just by a task, as it would be for a team, but by an "area" of knowledge that
needs to be explored and developed.

"A community of practice is not just a Web site or a library; it involves people who
interact and who develop relationships that enable them to address problems and share
knowledge. Over time, they accumulate practical knowledge in their domain, which makes a
difference to their ability to act individually and collectively. Domain provides a common focus; community builds relationships that enable collective learning; and practice anchors
the learning in what people do." Wenger E, (2001 and 2004).

Environment Education for students-Personalised Learning Environment (PLE)

We hope that "My Page" will augment the learning of students who are interested in
environment, conservation and ecology.

A definition given by Lubensky R, (2006) points a “PLE as a facility for an individual to
access, aggregate, configure and manipulate digital artifacts of their ongoing learning

The primary function of universities is to equip students with the knowledge and skills they
need to prosper throughout their professional career. Today, to be successful, students will
need to continually enhance their knowledge and skills, in order to address immediate
problems and to participate in a process of continuing vocational and professional

Involving students in managing their own learning in a variety of contexts, such as building
their own personal learning environments (PLEs) according to their goals and interests, is
one way of developing the skills and motivation that will serve as tools for lifelong
learning beyond their formal education.

With the urgency and immediacy of many environmental issues, all of us are students in a life-long learning process.  Let us help each other by communicating, sharing and acting.
We look forward to your feedback on "My Page".  To get your very own "My Page", register on http://www.IndianwildlifeClub.com by going to the top right hand corner and clicking on "Register Here"

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