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Our Technologist features in Times Of India

Alok Kaushik, the technical brain behind IndianwildlifeClub.com, and associated with us for the last 20 years, is on the front page of today's Times Of India. (TOI dated 12th May 2019, Delhi edition) Read the full report titled "The C++ men:  They can't see, but can code as fast as those with sight"

 Here is a quote

"It’s interesting to observe Alok Kaushik at work. You can see him typing on a keyboard but there’s no screen. There’s no mouse either. Kaushik, a senior application developer with an e-commerce platform in the UK who works with complex software, is blind. So he has no use for a screen or a mouse.

And he can code just as fast — and well — as the next guy who can see. Coming to his aid is assistive software called “screen reader” that converts written text into speech. That, essentially, has

changed his world."



Alok is currently employed in London.  He advises us on critical technical issues.

Alok, we at IndianwildlifeClub.com , are proud of what you have achieved at Indianwildlifeclub.com

Here is a photograph of Alok Kaushik and Dr.Susan Sharma receiving the Innovation Award from IIT, Delhi

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