Burning Issues

Man leopard conflict

Man-Leopard Conflict

-Susan Sharma

Man wildlife conflict in India has reached disturbing proportions and it is high time we took note of this unpalatable fact.  Our online chat on 15th April was on man leopard conflict.

"Ashvin Kumar: I choose this theme because of my concerns and asked myself how can I use my skills to tell this story so that more people understand why these animals need to be saved.

John H. Eickert: Why do they need to be saved?

Ashvin Kumar: But for my film to work, it has to work primariy as an entertainment.

mani: just read an article.. abt leopard problem near Krishnagiri Dist, TN

Ashvin Kumar: John, because they are co inheritors of our earth

mani: The leoaprds are coming from the hills during the dry season looking for easy pickings to the villages.

John H. Eickert: I am delighted that you wrote that, thank you.

Shashi Kant Sharma: Another reason will be, unless they are around, forests will simply disappear and the environment equilibrium lost

a j mithra: Do u think ur film would be seen as an entertainer or as a warning to the policy makers in the city?

Ashvin Kumar: Shashi - yes that and the fact that they tell us what its like to live as we were intended.

John H. Eickert: I agree, Shashi.

Ashvin Kumar: AJ i can't comment on that - you'll have ot see for yourself and make up your own mind. ALl I can say is that there will be talk about it.

John H. Eickert: I believe that we are intended to live in harmony not conflict and that all life is sacred.

Ashvin Kumar: I don't discount cities and the comforts and conveniences of urban life. But can that not co exist with this, this is the question.

a j mithra: Hope for the best.. Would be the happiest person if ur film makes a difference in conservation.. "

The above is an extract from out online chat of 15th April 2012 where we discussed the topic  with Ashvin Kumar, whose film "The Forest" is based on this theme.  See a preview by clicking on the link below.


Man -leopard conflict in India has been the subject of films and plays in India for some time now.   The issue is so complex that a soltion to the problem can be found only if man learns to live in harmony with nature.

Sohal Jaffri has uploaded a youtube video which looks at this problem squarely in the eye. See the short film at the following link.  The film can be watched in youtube through our channel Wildbytes.tv. "Where the Himalayas Bleed"


Vidya Arthreya, who has done years of research looking into the man leopard conflict in Western India,  has produced a series of plays which highlight the issues involved.  The plays are in Marathi but anyone with knowledge of Hindi can comprehend the plays which are delightfully done.

All the four plays can be watched in youtube through our channel Wildbytes.tv.  The series is called "waghoba_cha_khatla"


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