
Three day Workshops during 1st to 13th August at Kulgi Nature Camp in Kali Tiger Reserve

Three day Workshops during 1st to 13th August at Kulgi Nature Camp in Kali Tiger Reserve, North Kanara District

Low cost bee- hives

Since 2010 Wildlife Research and Conservation Society is implementing "Community-based Conflict Management (CBCM)"  model in North Kanara district in Karnataka wherein farmers are trained in using simple and low-cost  methods to protect their crops from elephants.

Many farmers from the project area have adopted these methods and are able to successfully keep the elephants out of their crop fields. Although effective, the CBCM model is still in its infancy in India. In 2015 WRCS arranged a number of workshops for training field staff and researchers in implementation of CBCM model, at Kulgi Nature Camp in Kali Tiger Reserve. These workshops were attended by 120 participants from various states such as Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Nepal, Nagaland and Odisha.

Low cost bee-hives in clay pots

Considering the response from the participants and the need to popularize the CBCM model, WRCS is organizing another workshop this year between 1st to 13th August at Kulgi Nature Camp in Kali Tiger Reserve, North Kanara District. The workshops will be useful for Farmers, Community members, Forest Department Field Staff, Field Researchers, NGOs and  students across the country dealing with Human-elephant conflict issues.

Chillie smoke drives away elephants

We request you to contact the coordinators at the earliest if you are interested in participating in the workshop. We also request you to circulate this email to suitable individuals and groups who may benefit from the workshop.

Prachi Mehta ( and Peeyush Sekhsaria ( 
Workshop Coordinators

Update in 2018

Watch our short film on human elephant conflict at the link

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