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Green Defenders
Attempted Rescue of Eurasian Eagle Owl
-Prajakta Hushangabdkar
Early morning 6.15am, on the date of 17th September 2011, Director of ANT program (Ant : Environment Education & Conservation Program) Ar.Vishal Bansod was traveling on the Paratwada road, Amravati. He found a Eurasian Eagle Owl on road side and the Owl was
not able to fly. They took the Owl to a veterinary hospital for treatment. After a primary observation doctors said it was suffering an internal injury. It died during the treatment.
The Eagle Owl is a large and powerful bird. The Eagle Owl has a wingspan of 138–200 cm (55–79 inch) and measures 58–75 cm (23–30 inch) long. Females weigh 1.75-4.5 kg (3.9-10 lbs) and males weigh 1.5-3.2 kg. The great size, ear tufts and orange eyes make this
a distinctive species. It mainly feeds on small mammals Rat, Mice, Hares. Protected in the Indian wildlife protection act 1972 under schedule one.
Like most animals that were in abundance in their natural habitat, man has through irresponsible hunting and careless use of their environment been responsible for placing this species,like so many others onto the endangered list.