Our choice from facebook this month

Photographs that make you speak out!

Posted by Angad Achappa in the facebook group Indian Birds This handsome bird is a young male Pallid Harrier. As an adult, this bird would show a very different coloring(whitish-grey). They are winter migrants to India.
Common Name: Pallid Harrier
Scientific Name: Circus macrourus
Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Month: December, 2011

Posted by Prosenjit Dawn in the facebook group Diversity india Crocodile with a spotted deer kill at Sundarban.(20th Dec, 2011).  We heard that it was the first record of this from Sundarbans. I'm very glad to be the first spotter.

Posted by Pierre Chéron in the facebook group Bandhav Visit I just returned from a long trip to Africa and now it announces the death of B2 today. B2 was the king of the tigers of Bandhavgarh. He was born in April 1997 and began his reign with Chakradara and her first litter in June 2000 (2 small - Challenger (M) and Narang (F)) Then he sat with his status females Amanala, and Mirchani Churbara. All its four females gave thanks to him 36 small to Bandhavgarh.

Almost all survived thanks to the protection of this powerful tiger and it is likely that either his son Bamera who gave him the coup de grace. I had witnessed a fight aborted in April.

B2 has died aged 14 years and a half which is a rarrissime age for a male tiger wild. Only an exceptional tiger as B2 could reach that age having had an alpha male reign for more than 11 years. I know of no other examples and there is probably no. From him I would keep many memories that they gave me the emotion can not be expressed.  One of them during a long photo shoot he had granted. I was lying on the floor of the jeep to be at its height and began to roll off me without eyes, then he stopped on his back legs in the air, staring at me forever. After a minute he finished his roll, he rose, marked its territory and disappeared.

Goodbye my friend.

Posted by Vipul Ramanuj in the facebook page BNHS BatMammals Greater False Vampire Bat | Megaderma iyra | Bhattana Range

Made this image during Bike N Hike's Cave Biology Workshop in a very tight cave in Aravallis Mountain Range in Rajasthan.

Posted by Varad Giri on the facebook group Snakefear and Snakelovers A new species of snake is discovered from the Western Ghats, India.

Photo by Sameer Kehimkar For more details visit:


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