Here is a message from a Club member who is researching on environmental attitudes of members of nature clubs.
"I am researching the reasons why people join wildlife societies and clubs and would love the chance to be able to interview and speak to some of the members of the Indian Wildlife Club. If you would like to participate in and share
some of your views on wildlife and the environment in India I would love to meet you at your convenience and conduct informal interviews. I look forward to hearing from you."
Deepti Sastry
PhD Student
University of London
Please contact Deepti at the above mail id so that she can meet up with you.
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and Views……….
“ ----- Excess consumption of chemical fertilizers pollutes and degrades the environment…. not just in the field where they are used, butt as the fertilizers run off with the rains, they pollute the entire land. But because the vested
interests for fertilizer subsidy are so strong and are so well disguised behind socialist pro-farmer rhetoric, the environment's case is lost. The sad Indian tax-payer is subsidizing and positively encouraging lazy businesses to pollute the environment.
The same holds true for subsidized pesticides. If they were priced right, farmers would use them sparingly paying proper respect to a scarce resource. Price them low…. and then why complain if they over-use them and literally poison
the environment and our very own food chain? One might want to argue that pollutants should be taxed and priced high to control their consumption. But to actually subsidize them must take really convoluted logic. --------”
Excerpts from the article ‘Running India to the Ground' by Jerry Rao which appeared in Indian Express dated 7 Jan 2005