IWC believes that environment and wildlife are not the preserve of a few experts. Both can be protected and conserved only when
the common man is involved and educated. But, is environment education the responsibility of schools alone? We certainly believe it is not. All of us who are concerned about the vanishing species and the deteriorating environment have to keep these concerns
alive in all decisions and actions we take.
So how should we react when the premier banking institution of India, the State Bank of India brings out its annual calendar with
pictures of animals from Africa? The African lion, elephant, rhino etc.adorn each monthly page. The pictures do not bear any caption or credits.

when at an award function at Technology Bhawan, New Delhi, presided over by the Technology minister, the vision of “ More crop for
drop” is initiated with individual awardees being presented a potted plant-a Chinese Orange plant?

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(Text and photos-Susan Sharma)