Western Ghats is one of the two hot spots of India. Like many other tropical countries, very little is known about the diversity and distribution of invertebrates from India. This poor understanding of our invertebrate diversity is amply reflected in our
national and regional conservation policies and goals, which is essentially formulated for large and charismatic vertebrates.
Centre for Insect Taxonomy and Conservation (CITAC), ATREE, Bangalore, along with the Western Ghats Invertebrate Research and Conservation Group- a network of invertebrate researchers of the region - has decided to bring out an edited volume "Invertebrate
diversity and conservation of the Western Ghats". This proposed volume is expected to provide an overview of on going studies on the diversity, ecology, evolution, behaviour and conservation of invertebrates of the Western Ghats.
We envisage this volume to be a benchmark publication on invertebrate diversity of the region. We are inviting manuscripts both from national and international researchers working on the invertebrates of the Western Ghats for this volume.
Broad thematic area
1.. Status review of taxa
2.. Ecological studies.
3.. Behavioural ecology.
4.. Invertebrates and Ecosystem function.
5.. Invertebrate conservation.
6.. Invertebrates in conservation education.
For more details pl. visit http://www.atree.org/idc_wg.html
80 page Concise Version plus CD with all documents: Rs. 150; US$ 15.
CD alone (containing all documents): Rs. 100; US$10. Postage extra Contact: Swati Arjunwadkar, Kalpavriksh, Apt. 5 Shree Datta Krupa, 908 Deccan Gymkhana, Pune 411004, India; Tel/fax: 91-20-25654239;
( Information courtesy yahoo group