Forum > Eco-tour > Flash Flood in Kakragad....need HELP!

Posted by Santanil Ganguly on June 20, 2013


From the phone call I received from Mr. Tashpal Singh Negi of
Uttarakhand today in the morning, I came to know that his Mandakini
Magpie Bird Watcher's Camp has been washed away by the Mandakini flash
flood. The destruction of this wonderful bird camp is a heart breaking
news to all the bird lovers. By helping Mr. Negi form this camp once
again, we shall be helping us all. One can contact him at and send
help to:
Yashpal Singh Negi
PO Bhiri
Dist. Rudraprayag
Uttarakhand 246419
Mobile No. 09412909399
Bank Acctt. Detail
SBI - Bhiri, Code - 9834, Acctt. No. 11442534733
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Susan Sharma says

June 20, 2013 at 02:55 AM

Read about the Mandakini Bird Camp here

Ms. Neelam Sethi says

June 20, 2013 at 06:05 AM

Appparently we all love Nature. Mr. Yashpal Negi, with great passion and humility has shown all the best of nature, and with his family welcomed ,and made us feel at home. It is our duty( from the heart) to help him and his family.

Ms. Neelam Sethi says

June 20, 2013 at 06:05 AM

Appparently we all love Nature. Mr. Yashpal Negi, with great passion and humility has shown all the best of nature, and with his family welcomed ,and made us feel at home. It is our duty( from the heart) to help him and his family.

Ms. Neelam Sethi says

June 20, 2013 at 06:09 AM

Appparently we all love Nature. Mr. Yashpal Negi, with great passion and humility has shown all the best of nature, and with his family welcomed ,and made us feel at home. It is our duty( from the heart) to help him and his family. It is sad,and I cannot imagine, all the trees, around the new rooms, he had added, full of chirping birds, are no more, and the gurgling river swallowed it all. Anyway, let us re-build.

Ms. Neelam Sethi says

June 20, 2013 at 06:09 AM

Appparently we all love Nature. Mr. Yashpal Negi, with great passion and humility has shown all the best of nature, and with his family welcomed ,and made us feel at home. It is our duty( from the heart) to help him and his family. It is sad,and I cannot imagine, all the trees, around the new rooms, he had added, full of chirping birds, are no more, and the gurgling river swallowed it all. Anyway, let us re-build.

Ms. Neelam Sethi says

June 20, 2013 at 06:10 AM

Appparently we all love Nature. Mr. Yashpal Negi, with great passion and humility has shown all the best of nature, and with his family welcomed ,and made us feel at home. It is our duty( from the heart) to help him and his family. It is sad,and I cannot imagine, all the trees, around the new rooms, he had added, full of chirping birds, are no more, and the gurgling river swallowed it all. Anyway, let us re-build.

Santanil Ganguly says

June 28, 2013 at 10:46 AM

Today Susan Sharma talked with me and show her genuine interest to help Mr. Negi. At last a ray of hope.
Today I also talked with Mr. Negi. He is very sad.
Yes, Ms. Neelam Sethi, let us re-build that beautiful nature camp.

Santanil Ganguly says

June 28, 2013 at 10:56 AM

Today Dr. Susan Sharma talked with me and show her genuine interest to help Mr. Negi. At last a ray of hope.
Today I also talked with Mr. Negi. He is very sad.
Yes, Ms. Neelam Sethi, let us re-build that beautiful nature camp.

Santanil Ganguly says

June 28, 2013 at 10:57 AM

Today Dr. Susan Sharma talked with me and show her genuine interest to help Mr. Negi. At last a ray of hope.
Today I also talked with Mr. Negi. He is very sad.
Yes, Ms. Neelam Sethi, let us re-build that beautiful nature camp.

Deepak Menon says

July 22, 2013 at 07:53 AM

Over a decade ago I was the Regional Manager Region IV of the SBI and Bhiri Branch was visited by me. Unfortunately I did not visit the Magpie camp. I shall definitely contribute my bit to help Yashpal Negi rebuild the camp and would also post this blog on my facebook so that all my friends also know about this effort and some may also help a little. I think Susan Sharma also deserves a clap for being such an energetic member of the Indian Wildlife Club and keeping us updated of events.
Deepak Menon

Deepak Menon says

July 22, 2013 at 07:53 AM

Over a decade ago I was the Regional Manager Region IV of the SBI and Bhiri Branch was visited by me. Unfortunately I did not visit the Magpie camp. I shall definitely contribute my bit to help Yashpal Negi rebuild the camp and would also post this blog on my facebook so that all my friends also know about this effort and some may also help a little. I think Susan Sharma also deserves a clap for being such an energetic member of the Indian Wildlife Club and keeping us updated of events.
Deepak Menon

Deepak Menon says

July 22, 2013 at 07:54 AM

Over a decade ago I was the Regional Manager Region IV of the SBI and Bhiri Branch was visited by me. Unfortunately I did not visit the Magpie camp. I shall definitely contribute my bit to help Yashpal Negi rebuild the camp and would also post this blog on my facebook so that all my friends also know about this effort and some may also help a little. I think Susan Sharma also deserves a clap for being such an energetic member of the Indian Wildlife Club and keeping us updated of events.
Deepak Menon

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