
Happening at Pune, Mumbai...

Event at Pune
Dear Friends,
Tiger Action Force cordially invite you to a Conservation Event to celebrate the International Year of Bio-Diversity.
The event will be held on Saturday, 10 July 2010 and Sunday, 11 July 2010 at Balgandharva Art Gallery, JM Rd, Pune.

See you at the event!

The details of the event can be found below:

Event Theme: Celebrating International Year of Bio-Diversity

Display of more than 150 photographs showcasing India's rich bio-diversity plus a section to highlight problems to wildlife caused because of internal fragmentation of forests by roads and highways. A series of lecture’s to raise awareness about India's bio-diversity.

Event Details:
Inauguration: Saturday, 10 July, 10:00AM

Lecture on India's Biodiversity: Saturday, 10 July @10:30AM.

Lecture on Wildlife Conservation: Sunday, 11 July @10:30AM.

Added Attractions (for sale): Mogya Handicrafts by Tiger Watch, Artificial Nests by Tiger Action Force, Eco-Friendly bags by Protecterra Ecological Foundation, Nature / Wildlife related books.

Please Note: The photo exhibition will be open from 10 July, 10:00AM to 11 July, 8PM.

Contact Mridula 9545940119
Contact Gaurav 9922414523

Events at Mumbai

Dear Friends,

After the scorching heat of summer, we all have welcomed the monsoon with great joy and enthusiasm. Nature is at its best transformed from brown, parched look to fresh green face. With the first showers of rain variety of lilies, yam, mushrooms have sprout out of the earth spreading joy to all. Insects, frogs and reptiles have wake up from their long sleep and the forest is full of musical sounds. Not to forget the wonderful streams are bubbling with the flowing water. Everyone has a relishing time throughout monsoons, visiting wildlife this time is like each and every leaflet telling stories of wildlife wonders.

To celebrate this drama in nature, CEC is offering interactive and thematic nature trails on weekends. 

Venue: ConservationEducation Centre, Goregaon (East)

Timing: 3:00p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Date                                      Theme
24 July 2010                           Monsoon Flora
14 August 2010                       Fungi
21 August 2010                       Medicinal Plants
28 August 2010                       Insects

Timing: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00a.m.
Date                                     Theme
25 July 2010                          Monsoon Flora
8 August 2010                       Herpetofauna
15 August 2010                     Medicinal Plants
22 August 2010                     Insects

Fees: Rs.200/- per person per theme

For registration: Download the registration form from our website /  and send it to our Goregaon office along withthe fees 

For queries: write to us at cecbnhs@... OR call us at 9223513425, 28421174, 22837615, 28402946
So come rendezvous with nature on the tantalizing trails @ CEC


Priti Choghale
Senior Education Officer
BNHS Conservation Education Centre
Near Film City, Goregaon (E), Mumbai - 400065,Maharashtra, India.
Tel:91-22- 28402946/28421174
Mobile: 9223513425 / 9323738622

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