Environment Education

Online certificate courses for IWC members!

Online Courses

-Susan Sharma

Last date for applying for the courses extended upto 10th June 2012

India is a hotbed of bio diversity. Yet Indians have little knowledge about our natural resources. Why?

The Internet population in India is growing exponentially. Yet there is no ONLINE course exclusively catering to Indian flora and fauna which can sensitize a person to his immediate surroundings. Why?

Environmental management is an industry that promises a growth in opportunity over the coming decades. Despite this fact though, graduates from environmental courses often find it difficult to gain the employment they hoped for. One must ask why?

IndianWildlifeClub, the community of nature lovers who care, are proud to partner with the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) to bring their online certificate courses to our members.

Certificate programs on offer

Study Environment Management and lead the conservation activities in your area. Complement your knowledge with the help of experts in the field--All by sitting at home!

Join a course that will give you a mix of skills that will always be in demand.


Issues and Environmental Concerns

Environmental Law

Sustainable Development

Floral Diversity

Insect Diversity

Marine Diversity

Diversity of Herpetofauna

Mammalian Diversity

Bird Diversity

Suitable for students, working professionals or just about anyone with a curious mind - without having to take time out from work or other commitments in order to study.

The Conservation Education Center of BNHS is managing these online courses. Dr.V.Shubhalaxmi, Center Manager is the Course Co-ordinator. Shubhalaxmi has over fifteen years of experience in conservation education in India and she is a IN Fulbright Scholar who holds a doctoral degree in Entomology and certificate from Boston University in Environmental Conservation Education.

The course tutors are skilled professionals who are fully qualified in the various subject areas. In addition, they combine their qualifications with many years of actual practical experience.

Join Now!


IndianWildlifeClub members are getting a discount of 5% on the course fee for the two courses which are on offer as online programs.

You can fill in the application form online and also pay the course fee online using our secure payment gateway. All major credit cards/debit cards and bank accounts can be used for making the payment.

Courses offered (Click on the links for further details)

Leadership Course in Biodiversity

Basic Course in Entomology

Director, BNHS Dr.Asad Rehmani in Delhi with the CM.

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