Forum > Bird Watching > Why the Bulbul built a nest at our doorstep

Posted by Susan Sharma on October 06, 2018


Why did the bulbul choose a tree at the entrance to our house to build a nest?  Well, here is the story.


Our garden has feral cats, shikras and tree pies visiting regularly.  Needless to say all three are predators of birds.  The bulbul perceived less threat from the occupants of the house.

I Watched the parent birds and chick through the camera sitting in my house comfortably. Visitors to our house never noticed the nest, so the chick hatched successfully and grew into a handsome bulbul.  



An organic garden which is not manicured, but left to grow naturally.  That is the secret of attracting birds and butterflies into your garden. For me the pleasure of gardening is complete when I see it come alive with bird chirpings.


Please share the video if you like it.  Please also tell  what you think about the video.  Here is the link to the video.


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ahsier says

November 08, 2018 at 08:17 PM

I did not know much about how this could possibly be so and was in fact prompted to write an essay about the same. I used hhtps:// but I'm glad that you have handled the topic in detail

Barry allen says

February 26, 2020 at 04:51 PM

How do you know it is not the same bulbul ?

It is the same bulbul . For some reason it could have destroyed its own nest . Perhaps it had a miscarriage , Or it did not want that place because you to kept a watch!

Barry allen says

February 26, 2020 at 04:51 PM

How do you know it is not the same bulbul ?

It is the same bulbul . For some reason it could have destroyed its own nest . Perhaps it had a miscarriage , Or it did not want that place because you to kept a watch!

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