Forum > Wildlife , Forest Laws > Blind Hippo in Indian ‘Jumbo Circus’ Needs Help! - Abhishek Kadyan

Posted by Naresh Kadyan on October 24, 2011

A blind hippo called 'Raja' in India is in trouble and needs your help.The hippo, along with other animals, are being abused in an Indian Circus called “JumboCircus.”  Both the hippos’ teeth eyes need immediate veterinary treatment. The animal was found without care ina congested box with dirty water and with no space for exercise or movement during the visit of the Delhi Zoo Veterinarian, he was deputed by the Central Zoo Authority of India on the complaint lodged by the founder Chairman of the People for Animals (PFA) Haryana Naresh Kadyan, Master Trainer to the Animal Welfare Board of India, representing OIPA in India, Whenconfronted by Naresh Kadyan, the Manager of the circus sent him away and hewas not allowed to be present during the Veterinarian inspection, where as Miss Sukanya Kadyan, Director Events of the OIPA in India demanding that a Medical Board should be constituted at once to inspect all performing animals including eye, teeth surgeon, representative of the AWBI / CZA / WCCB along with the representatives of the NGO's In additionto the hippo, Kadyan saw exotic birds performing without any records, which requiresinvestigation by the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau. He also saw cats and dogsinbreeding, which goes against government legislation, docking tails of a dog is an offense but Jumbo circus have many docked tail dogs to perform, where as AWBI registered these dogs as performing animals, which needs attention, cancellation as well. Elephants are being abused by the iron ankush during performance but use of iron ankush is banned by the Rajasthan High Court (Jaipur Bench), order passed on the public interest litigation no. 8987 of 2006 moved by Naresh Kadyan during Elephant polo sponsored by the Cartier and Elephant family.

Kadyan from OIPA hasfiled grievances with the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (Government of India),Animal Welfare Board of India, Central Zoo Authority of India, Chief Wildlife Wardenof Haryana, the District Administration, the President of India’s Secretariat andthe Government of Haryana and is currently awaiting action from these entities. He has contacted them regarding theblatant violations of the Prevention ofCruelty to Animals Act, 1960 / CITES and the WildlifeProtection Act, 1972 made by Jumbo Circus.  Kadyan has requested the confiscation of allof these animals after legal action is taken against Jumbo Circus.

OIPA is asking that concerned animal advocates around theworld sign a petition to the Indian authorities demanding that action be taken againthe Managing Partners of Jumbo Circus for the violations of these Acts.Specifically, the petition states:

“Whereas Jumbo circus have many docked tails dogs, unregistered cats, Camels, horses, Elephants andblind hippo to perform, so all these animals may kindly be rescued and FIRagainst owners of the Jumbo circus stationed at Panipat in Haryana, adjoin g area of the National capital, may be lodged for theviolation of the section 3, 11, 38 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act,1960 read with the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 and 428-429 IPC. PFA Haryana– is ready to rehabilitate all rescued animals during courttrials.”

Please help by signing the petition,and adding a personal comment to your signature. For more information about OIPA in India, visit their website, as well as Peoplefor Animals (PFA) Haryana

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