Press on Environment and Wildlife
She made no-polythene zone a reality - Rehana Al (March Week #3 (2015))
LUCKNOW: If you spot clean roads around La Martiniere Girls College and a no-polythene zone in zoo, the credit for it goes to Rehana Ali. It was Rehana's dedication and positive approach that has brought about a small but imperative change.

Hundreds of Koalas euthanised in Australia (March Week #3 (2015))
Close to 700 koalas have been killed off by authorities in south-eastern Australia because overpopulation led to the animals starving, a state minister confirmed today.

Victorian Environment Minister Lisa Neville said the koalas were euthanised in the Cape Otway area, near the scenic tourist drawcard the Great Ocean Road, in 2013 and 2014.

NGT issues directions to control pollution in Yamuna (March Week #3 (2015)) New Delhi: The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has approved the installation of closed-circuit televisions (CCTVs) and deployment of a special force on the Yamuna floodplains to deal with dumping of waste in the already polluted river. The tribunal asked
chief secretaries of five states—Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand—to meet and discuss ways to raise the minimum flow of the Yamuna.
Waste disposal rules go down hospital drains (March Week #3 (2015))
KOLKATA: Lack of awareness may have triggered the swine flu outbreak in the city, but a disaster — that can turn deadlier — is waiting to strike at several hospitals and nursing home in Kolkata. It has been found that the hospitals — both government and
private — are flouting norms at will while disposing of biomedical wastes.

Though the pollution control board is aware of the ground reality, it hardly has any power to put a curb on the malpractice. This makes the situation menacing.

Activists ask people not to colour animals (March Week #3 (2015))
Navi Mumbai: Animal welfare activists have urged people not to throw colours on street animals such as dogs, cats and cattle this Holi, as it can be very harmful to them.

"Many times we see people applying colours on stray animals. This is rather painful for them, as they cannot wash off these chemicals from their bodies," said a city-based activist.

Solar lights to ward off tigers at Sundernbans' villages (March Week #3 (2015)) KOLKATA: After nets and firecrackers, here's another novel attempt at preventing tigers from straying into Sunderbans villages  solar lights.
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