Film Reviews- Wildlife, Nature and Environment

Event Guide for Animal Crossing: New Horizons on Thanksgiving Day in the year 2021

Posted by grefstad on November 28, 2021

Forum Post

This month's release of Animal Crossing Designs 2.0 included the announcement that there would be no more major updates to the game in its current state for the foreseeable future. Although Turkey will be served, buy animal crossing usables is not guaranteed.


The most recent question is: When does Turkey Day officially come to an end?

Turkey Day has finally arrived, and you can enjoy Animal Crossing Items For Sale right now on your computer by downloading and playing Turkey Day. As a result, you won't have to spend much time getting everything ready because it is only for one day. Listed below are all of the specifics you'll need to know about it before you get started.


Film Reviews- Wildlife, Nature and Environment

Rajasthan Flim Festivals

Posted by rff on December 11, 2018

Forum Post

Film Festival in Jaipur,Film Festival in Rajasthan, It gives a new level of platform to filmmakers, artists and technicians of Rajasthani cinema to motivate them, so that they work harder and take Rajasthan Cinema to a new level altogether. From the last five years this festival has brought an amazing change in the Rajasthani cinema and has been appreciated by all the people nationally.

Film Reviews- Wildlife, Nature and Environment

Top picks from Wildbytes TV

Posted by Susan Sharma on November 25, 2018

Forum Post

Top Picks from our You Tube channel wildbytes TV


The Evening Primrose-Binsar, Uttarakhand


A Pollution Story, Sunder Nursery, New Delhi


Aravali Bio Diversity Park, Gurugram, A Sacred Grove

Film Reviews- Wildlife, Nature and Environment

nature and music

Posted by Susan Sharma on December 04, 2007

Forum Post

Music in Nature Part 4: The Power of Music

I was shocked and saddened in early November with the news of an ecological disaster in the San Francisco Bay. Learning that the tragedy could have been prevented made me downright angry. I made it up to the Bay Area over Thanksgiving and on the way back stopped by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. My friend there told me about the video the Ocean Conservancy put out illustrating the fact that this accident was a "Preventable Tragedy." While very informative (and mind boggling why such a tragedy wasn’t prevented) it lacked something. It seemed slow. It needed music! Inspired, I spent a few hours putting together a track for them. I emailed the Ocean Conservancy and by the next morning the sparks were flying. I’m thrilled to be involved in such a project with such a wonderful organization. It just goes to show you - the power of music in film is endless and the power of being proactive can pay off huge. It feels great to make a difference doing what I love.

To view the original movie without music goto:

To view the version with music (and a few added zooms, etc.) goto:

To learn more about the spill goto:

Cody Westheimer is a composer living in Los Angeles, CA. To learn (and hear) more about Cody go to or email him at


Film Reviews- Wildlife, Nature and Environment

"The Great Indian Tiger Crisis " wins award

Posted by Susan Sharma on July 05, 2007

Forum Post

"The Great Indian Tiger Crisis" won the award for Best Point of View  at the International Wildlife Film Festival 2007 at Montana, USA


The Great Indian Tiger Crisis

Mirror Films Private Limited

Producer: Arindam Mitra

India was shocked to learn, in early 2005 that some of her Tiger Reserve Forests had actually no tigers left. The Prime Minister set up a task force with eminent conservationists and sent them out on a fact finding mission across the length and breadth of the vast number of Reserve Forests. This film stalks the task force to unearth shocking facts and becomes an important critique of the conservation policies in India. Part road movie, part fact finding, part political discourse and part philosophy this is a fascinating piece of film too. (77 min)


Film Reviews- Wildlife, Nature and Environment

Green Films

Posted by Susan on May 25, 2007

Forum Post

"Four or five years ago you couldn’t give environmental and conservation programmes away, but in the past 18 months, the increase in concern about global warming has changed that, and international broadcasters are increasingly asking what we’ve got coming down the line," says Ian Jones, president of distributor National Geographic Television International (NGTI).


Looking ahead, National Geographic US will make its Earth Report - a signature year-end programme that premiered at the end of 2006 - an annual event. Essentially, it is an audit on sustainability and quality of life indicators across the planet, specifically looking at the impact of human activity on the Earth in the previous year. For 2007 there will be an extended web component and the National Geographic magazine will initiate a major push, as will all of the National Geographic channels. In addition, National Geographic is working on a major society-wide global warming project, and it is also preppinga sequal to the series Strange Days on Planet Earth, with many episodes set to have a definite green tinge.


However, based on projects in development now, the lion’s share of programming in 2008 will focus on what people are doing, and what we can all do to reverse the effects of global warming. Broadcasters are shying away from doomsday warnings, and are instead using terms like ’empowering,’ ’inspiring,’ ’aspirational,’ and ’proactive’ to describe the programming they’re after.


New programming throughout the coming year will also likely look at the economic repercussions of going green, from the impact of energy and fuel conservation on our own wallets to big decisions that politicians face, like enforcing clean industry and promoting train transport above air travel.





Film Reviews- Wildlife, Nature and Environment

Sarang The Peacock

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 06, 2006

Forum Post

From: welldunn77 To: "Susan Sharma"

Subject: Lovely Peacock one, Susan

Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 9:57 PM

Hi, Susan, the peacock video was lovely, tried to post comment at youtube, but cannot log in, for some funny reason, so doing it here...will 'fix' that later, very busy. Have a great week,


Penny Lynn aka Penelope

Film Reviews- Wildlife, Nature and Environment

To Corbett With Love

Posted by Susan Sharma on April 17, 2006

Forum Post

Dear Susan,

Yes, thank you, we have received the film To Corbett with Love.

It was a present from me to my wife for Christmas and we have already watched it and found it very interesting. We have only recently returned home to Canterbury after 3 weeks in India, where we spent several nights at Corbett (staying at Claridges Hideaway) - and saw wild elephants, deer, monkeys and many birds.

We saw no tigers, alas, but had previously seen five at Bandhavgarh NP so we were OK about that! We loved Corbett and hope to return one day, so your film brought back happy memories for us.

Thank you - and a happy New Year to you, too.

Best wishes,

Andrew (and Ros) Rootes

Film Reviews- Wildlife, Nature and Environment

Living With the Park-Ranthambore National Park

Posted by Susan Sharma on April 17, 2006

Forum Post

Dear Susan Sharma

Last week I got a copy of film "Living With the Park-Ranthambore National Park". This is a good effort made in showing what is going on in Ranthambore. I would like to thank you for making such a good short film wherein we involved in wild life conservation can get the insight of what is going on and then make a effort to set right the problems.

 I hope you will come out with more such films. I by judging quality of photography, I was able to make this film is made in handy cam; there is no that you have choosen the best company i.e. is excel video for duplicating the video. I suggest that you can use professional equipment to make these films.

Keep up the good work.



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Film Reviews- Wildlife, Nature and Environment

Requesting all members to write reviews

Posted by Susan Sharma on December 10, 2005

Forum Post

Every year thousands of well researched, poignant and informative documentaries are made on environment and nature related issues. Sadly these films are hardly seen by the public at large, since TV channels / theatres do not air them. As part of our efforts to give better visibility to these films we have been publishing synopsis of these films at

But the impact of films is best described by the viewers, for whom they are meant. Festival screenings and reviews tend to be more on the film-making aspects and less on content. But many of us, who continue to make environment/wildlife films despite all odds, do so because we believe that a picture speaks a thousand words. With dwindling wildlife species and diminishing forests threatening the basics of life like water and pure air, it is high time we spoke in thousands of words at a time rather than a few words at a time.

Some of you might have seen at least a few of the films listed on our site. This is an appeal to all to write reviews for the films they have seen and upload them at

under the topic" Film Reviews" As a member of you can upload your views at our weblog unedited by us. However, unrelated reviews/content will be deleted by us. 

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