
Man elephant conflict

Posted by Susan Sharma on August 30, 2005

Forum Post

It is well known that some parts of Jharkhand State in India face the threat of elephant attacks, especially in the night.

The people of these regions spend their nights on machans on trees to get some sleep. Recently, a documentary film maker, who was in this area was asked by the people of this area whether he can help them find a

"laser light"

to ward off the elephants at night. Does anyone know where these lights can be procured?


Declining sparrows

Posted by Susan Sharma on April 05, 2005

Forum Post
The other day I spotted a sparrow on the pavement of Connaught Place. So sparrows are making a come back! Thanks to the reduced air pollution and unleaded petrol may be? Here is a link to a sparrow survey being conducted in UK. http://www.bto.org/appeals/house_sparrow.htm


Are sparrows declining in urban India?

Posted by Susan Sharma on March 24, 2005

Forum Post
It is always a pleasure to hear the chirping of sparrows heralding the beginning and end of a day. But in the last five years of which I spent three in Saket, South Delhi and two in Gurgaon I have been missing them. So it was with great anticipation that I noticed the first sparrow pair making a nest in our electric meter box. What has caused their disppearance and come back? Can anyone from India throw light on this?


Sparrows and Vultures- Where are they?

Posted by Susan Sharma on February 14, 2005

Forum Post

I travelled from Delhi to Jhunjhunu(Rajasthan) by road recently. It felt nice to be woken up in the morning by the chirpy sparrows.

I suddenly realised how much I miss them here in Gurgaon. My friends from Delhi tell me sparrows are not seen anymore there as well.

The number of rotting carcasses of dogs and even a camel on the roads made me wonder what happened to our vultures, the scavenger birds provided by nature. Is the loss of biodiversity on a fast track now?


Tigers and leopards

Posted by Susan Sharma on February 05, 2005

Forum Post

In January 2005, the Delhi Police seized a huge contraband of animal skins which included 60kg of tiger and leopard paws, 3 kg of claws and around 40 bones besides the skins.

Also, in January the forest department has confirmed that Sariska in Rajasthan does not have any tigers any more.

Ranthambhore, our showcase for tigers is suffering a crisis of management because of excessive tourist influx- and the lack of basic facilities to the villagers displaced from the forest.

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