Tribal Bill-How it will affect our forests

Definition of traditional forest dwellers

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 20, 2006

Forum Post

According to Ashish Kothari of 'Kalpavriksh', an environment action group, the expansive definition of traditional forest dwellers, provides scope for state governments, land mafia and local elites to claim large areas of recently encroached land as legitimate.

It could also exacerbate local conflicts, e.g. in the North- eastern states, where people from outside have occupied forest land recently, at the expense of the local tribal communities.

( Hindustan Times, June 20, 2006)

Tribal Bill-How it will affect our forests

tribal Bill-is the cut off date of 2005 going to benefit the real tribals?

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 18, 2006

Forum Post

On 18th June 2006 we had an online chat on the "Tribal bill". The chat log can be read by clicking on the link below.

This BLOG invites comments from all our members on the issues concerning our forests if the Bill is enacted in its present form.


Protecting Wildlife is the way forward!

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 16, 2006

Forum Post

Why should it be every citizen's concern to protect endangered species, and how can one be of assistance? Not just by volunteering with NGOs working for the cause, but are there ways in which we can contribute in small measure? The readers must be told why at all should they bother, and possibly, how? (Question: Shirley Abraham)

Each person can contribute -drops in the ocean make up the ocean. Most of us in our busy life are unaware of the BIG ROLE nature plays in our well being. The amount of oxygen in the air, the purity of water we drink -these are the basic threads of life.

The forests with all the life in it make these basic things posssible. The oceans with all the marine animals in it control our climates. Without animals the forests will wither away. Taking away just the tiger or the elephant which seemingly threaten human life around the forests will change the forests forever. Without the marine creatures like the whales at the apex, the ocean we know will be changed for ever.

Be aware and knowledgeable-taking action will come naturally. Finally it is the harmony of man animals and life which keep us going. Man is intelligent enough to enumerate the endangered animals. He should also be sensible enough to know that protecting them is the only way forward.

Engineers and Environment

Alternate fuel-Ethanol 101

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 15, 2006

Forum Post

Ethanol is a renewable fuel distilled mainly from corn. In the near future, ethanol may also be produced using agricultural and wood waste, of which there is an abundant supply for both in agricultural states and counties throughout the U.S. and beyond.

Because of its comparatively high oxygen content, ethanol is cleaner burning than regular unleaded gasoline and can be blended to 10 percent without having to modify standard engines. A 10 percent blend also substantially reduces carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, benzene and other exhaust emissions as well as related greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming.

Before we can celebrate ethanol as a viable alternative to petroleum, one simple fact must be considered: producing ethanol requires more fossil fuel energy than the petroleum it would replace. This result was confirmed researchers at Cornell University and the University of California. The reason? It takes a lot of energy to grow crops and transform them into ethanol.

Regardless, ethanol has a lot of political support, and despite building evidence to the contrary, the U.S. Department of Agriculture believes that ethanol delivers more energy than is consumed in making it.

Sources: American Coalition for Ethanol, Growing Expectations, and Cornell University News Service.

Wildlife , Forest Laws

Gaps in implementation

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 14, 2006

Forum Post

Why is the impending exinction not being checked through the legal system? India is a party to CITES, has its own Wildlife Protection Act. Where are the gaps? Implementation..Conviction..?( Question:Shirley Abraham)

The gaps are there in implementation. Lack of convictions spur more poachers and their accomplices to take up the trade.


"Invertebrate Diversity and Conservation in the Western

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 13, 2006

Forum Post

Western Ghats is one of the two hot spots of India. Like many other tropical countries, very little is known about the diversity and distribution of invertebrates from India. This poor understanding of our invertebrate diversity is amply reflected in our national and regional conservation policies and goals, which is essentially formulated for large and charismatic vertebrates.

 Centre for Insect Taxonomy and Conservation (CITAC), ATREE, Bangalore, along with the Western Ghats Invertebrate Research and Conservation Group- a network of invertebrate researchers of the region - has decided to bring out an edited volume "Invertebrate diversity and conservation of the Western Ghats". This proposed volume is expected to provide an overview of on going studies on the diversity, ecology, evolution, behaviour and conservation of invertebrates of the Western Ghats.

We envisage this volume to be a benchmark publication on invertebrate diversity of the region. We are inviting manuscripts both from national and international researchers working on the invertebrates of the Western Ghats for this volume.

Broad thematic area

1.. Status review of taxa

2.. Ecological studies.

3.. Behavioural ecology.

4.. Invertebrates and Ecosystem function.

5.. Invertebrate conservation.

6.. Invertebrates in conservation education.

For more details pl. visit

80 page Concise Version plus CD with all documents: Rs. 150; US$ 15.

CD alone (containing all documents): Rs. 100; US$10. Postage extra Contact: Swati Arjunwadkar, Kalpavriksh, Apt. 5 Shree Datta Krupa, 908 Deccan Gymkhana, Pune 411004, India; Tel/fax: 91-20-25654239;

( Information courtesy yahoo group

Engineers and Environment

Automated vehicular pollution detection system(Pollution Buster)

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 12, 2006

Forum Post

Four students from Dr.B.V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur, Medak District, Andhra Pradesh have designed a "Pollution Buster".

The device includes a user module comprising a circuit which has a carbon monoxide sensor, to monitor the vehicle's emission. The receiver module placed at strategic traffic points transmits the registration number of the polluter vehicle to the pollution control authorities. The team says the concept provides a three day grace period to the motorist to correct pollution levels, before he is reported automatically.

The concept is real time and hence expected to be more effective in checking pollution. The foursome is among the four teams selected from India by Microsoft Sudent challengE 2006.

(Report courtesy Education Times June 12, 2006)

nature/wildlife films

Living With the Park

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 11, 2006

Forum Post

Comments on 'YouTube'

Question by Gertalian  :  Did you film this yourself?Also,are the Tigers victims of poaching,or pollution?What has caused their demise? Sorry if my questions seem stupid.

Susan: I filmed "Living With the Park" myself. The tigers are victims of poaching. The single one reason for their numbers reducing is poaching. Habitat reduction, of course, limits the popoulation from increasing. 

Comment by Gertalian :

 To answer your question"Is it time to include the villagers to help protect the Tiger?",I would say yes.Granted I am largely uninformed about the situation,but sometimes desperate circumstances call for desperate measures.


Do we harm nature unconsciously?

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 11, 2006

Forum Post

How do everyday human activities (seemingly innocuous, though) harm an already threatened species of plants/animals? I mean, do we end up harming nature even unconsciously? ( Question: Shirley Abraham)

We are all part of nature. Being paranoid about hurting nature will not be a good idea. "There is enough in nature to fulfil man's need but not greed." So the first step is to know more about nature and wild animals around us. For people in Orissa it could be Olive Ridley Turtles, for people from Assam -the Hoolock Gibbon, for Rajasthan the Great Indian Bustard and so on. So we all can be part of efforts made to protect these endangered species.


Threats to endangered species

Posted by Susan Sharma on June 10, 2006

Forum Post

The major threat to endangered species is man's insensitiveness to the fragile web of living things. Blaming deforestation, poaching, wildlife trade etc is addressing the issue in bits and parts. For example, the temptation to cut down forests for agriculture or land grabbing will persist as long as man is conscious of the immediate wealth prospects of land and not the value of a forest for the present and future generations.

Poaching will never stop as long as the market demands and pays for it.

 Endangered species are on their way to being extinct unless we take steps to consciously protect them. Natural extinctions also occur but speeding up the extinction process by manmade causes can be disastrous simply because man does not have the know how to create the web of life.

 Resurrecting the cheetah through DNA will not bring back the cheetah into the web of life. It will probably remain in a zoo for ever.

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