Posted by
Susan Sharma
November 16, 2005
Thank you for some thought provoking ideas, Amin.
The developed nations of the world are trying to find a balance between development and ecological sustainability. Countries like India still have some natural resources untouched by big developmental projects. NOW is the time to think of conservation.
Restoring a lost ecology is always harder. E-Government has the ability to address many economic issues. The abundance of manpower in our country can be utilised/can be empowered by e-governance which does not exploit our natural resources. In fact, e-governance
for conservation involves montoring, assessing and showcasing our natural resources- creating employment oppotunities for thousands in the process.
Instead of looking at natural resources as an exploitable resource, we look at it as an asset which needs to be valued and protected. The benefits of protecting this asset are universal.
Posted by
Amin Adatia
November 14, 2005
It depends. If you mean by that the process of motivation and move away from the current practices of destroying the current environment with no regard to the future or the impact on the "global" environment, then I agree it is complex. For that I doubt
if there ever will be anything mere mortals can do. History also shows that those who are above the mere mortal category get "removed" sooner or later; usually sooner.
The purpose of the work for Canadian Environment Agency was to monitor the process for the Assessment of "Industrial" projects on the environment and to Assess the impact based on the Guidelines established as to the protection of the environment. The scope
was global in that any Canadian Organization doing work in any part of the world had to provide the data on the impact on the environment. The Agency operates in Canada "for ever". The problem, as I saw it, was that "vested interest groups" would try and circumvent
the provision of the data or privide vague and "useless" data.
Educating the public on the importance of managing the environment and looking beyond the "today's bubndle of branches to cook with" is not a simple task when the focus of the "powers that be" is towards other goals like weapons and IT jobs.
Posted by
Susan Sharma
November 11, 2005
The National e-Governance Plan (NeGP)has just been unveiled.
The Ministries which get into the bandwagon now stand to benefit immensely. The Ministry of Income tax is a case in point where technology is working wonders to boost revenues and plug loopholes.
We appeal to the Ministry of Environment and Forest to actively participate in the NeGp. This will benefit conservation, regulate poaching, boost tourist revenues and create jobs.
Posted by
Susan Sharma
November 11, 2005
There are traditional practices such as sacred tanks and sacred groves, institutions such as Van Panchayats as well as new initiatives such as joint forest management (JFM).
A lot of community based conservation happens on Government lands such as reserve forests, wetlands, and coasts. A good example is the efforts of villagers in Alwar district in protecting the catchment forests of Arvari river, most of which are on
Government land.
Once this area is declared as a Conservation Reserve, several Government Agencies will take over the conservation work. A government –people participation approach rather than amending laws and coining new terms seems to be the need of the hour.
Posted by
Susan Sharma
November 10, 2005
At a generic level I agree that Environment issues are very simple. It is people and natural resources at the basic level. People and animals competing for the same natural resources in the case of forests in India. The vision in my paper is to create
jobs for the people away from livelihood options utilising the natural resources; but help them become small entrepreneurs by encouraging them to protect/show off the natural resources. The work you have done for Canadian Environment Agency sounds interesting.
Was the purpose of this project to protect/assess the environmental impact on an ongoing basis?
Posted by
Amin Adatia
November 10, 2005
Dr Susan Sharma I read your paper. You make the process sound very complex. I think the solution would be by starting to look for a generic approach.
For example, all the stakeholders (and I reallly hate that word) are really the same just different roles (and some with multiple roles). The Environment has several aspects as of now and more will come into play. There is a relationship among the Environment
Factors. And finally the "Stakeholders" and The Environment have several attributes you need to track and record.
I did a system here for the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency using the same concepts and it worked fine and provided a vastly superior capability for research and investigation then if they had remained in the "independent" stakeholder and environment
factor mode.
All the best Regards
Dr Amin Adatia MBA, PhD KnowTech Solutions Inc
Posted by
Susan Sharma
November 10, 2005
Been trekking? Visited a tribal village? Or saw some amazing wildlife in a national park? Write in to along with two good photographs. Published articles get paid.
Posted by
Susan Sharma
November 10, 2005
Read a book on nature or wildlife recently? Write a review here. It will reach a wide audience who love reading such books.
Posted by
Susan Sharma
November 10, 2005
The total forest cover in India is estimated to be 19.27 per cent of India's geographic area.
This area accounts for our bio-diversity, our natural wilderness heritage.
Is bio-diversity an end by itself or a mere tool for obtaining tourist revenues?
Posted by
Susan Sharma
November 10, 2005
I have uploaded a paper presented at an e-Government conference held in October 2005 at The Grand, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi. The Conference "Conflux 2005" was a joint effort by Centre for Science, Development and Media Studies (CSDMS), Government of NCT
of Delhi along with Department of Information Technology, Government of India, UNDP, Danish Technological Institute and key academic and civil society organizations and various multilateral agencies.
The full presentation is uploaded at the following link
The paper makes a case for the potential of e-Governance for creating jobs as a major byproduct. Giving livelihood options to fringe villages of national parks seems to be the only solution for avoiding man -animal conflicts and exploitation. If the livelihood
options are related to protecting the parks, it becomes a win -win situation for conservation and people.
I am throwing the paper for a "no-holds barred discussion "by IWC members. Please do add your valuable opinions.