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Chat on "Offences Against Wildlife" dated September 18, 2004

    "Offences Against Wildlife "

     Susan Welcome to IWC chat!

    Susan The chat topic today is " Offences Against Wildlife" Welcome Doda & Sarit!

    Sarit hi there

    Susan Where are you from Doda & Sarit?

    Doda I am from Delhi

    Sarit thnx Susan so cud u please clarify what u mean bye offences is it poachin' or anythin' more

    Sarit sorry i've 2 leave got an urgent work i'll look into the matter later

    Sarit do discuss the issue i'll go thru it later , c ya all bye

    Susan Ok Sarit Susan The moderator will join us soon. Let us ask questions in the meantime.

    Susan Doda, are you there?

    Doda Sorry Susan. There was some problem

    Susan I think poaching is the extreme case of offence.

    Susan Mr. Vyas is joining us soon

    Susan Dr.Easa is unwell with high temp. and so could not join .

    DrMangesh Hello Everybody

    Susan Welcome Dr. Mangesh

    Doda HI! Susan Tell us your views, Dr. Mangesh

    DrMangesh Susan Adv. Vyas is not present?

    Susan Adv. Vyas is coming in soon.

    DrMangesh Any Technical Training Program arranged by U?

    Mahendra Godd evening everyone

    Susan Welcome Mr. Mahendra Vyas. Thanks for taking time off a busy schedule.

    Susan What are the main "offences against wiildlife" in India which are punishable?

    Mahendra The main problem which the Wildlife faces is the habitat destruction and poaching. If we selectively and ruthlessly exploit any species it is bound to become extinct. Since the rate of conviction in criminal cases in India is less than 5 % , the chances are that wildlife cases which are very poorly investigated and pursued in the lower courts mostly result in the acquittal o the acused. Problem is lack of training among forewst / wildlife oficials in preparing cases and pursuing them in the courts.

    Mahendra Hunting, capturing, possessing animals/plants which are listed in the Schedule of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 is an offence. The highest punishment of 7 years is for hunting animlas which are listed in Schedule I and Part II of Schedule II.

    Mahendra Then entry without permit in NAtional PArk/ sanctuaries i.e. Protected Areas ( PA's) is also an offence. Mahendra Trading in wildlife and wildlife product is also an offence punishable under the WL P Act.

    Susan What about selling items like peacock feather fans?

    DrMangesh So many Breeds R necessary 2 Products Which R rear, What about it?

    Mahendra There is a general misconception about Pcock feathers. They are shed in October every year and regrow in around April. The once sold are the dropped feathers collected by people and sold in the market. Peafowls are not killed for feathers. There is no need to do so.

    Mahendra Yes. peacocks are killed because they cause lot of damage to crops such as choilleis etc. but not for their feathers.

    Susan Proving"Who killed the peacock" will be a tough job.

    Susan Dr.Mangesh can you repeat your question again in more clear terms?

    Mahendra This is true for all offences be it under IPC or under the Wildlife Protection Act.

    DrMangesh So many Breeds R necessary 2 Products Which R rear like LOURY, What about it?

    Mahendra Once an offences is reported it is registered. It is folowed up by detailed investigations. The poached animal needs to be recovered by the officials, trap, arms, gun tool , vehicle used by the person ishould be recovered. Witnesses have to be found.

    DrMangesh Forest Dept. is not giving permission & 2 keep 4 Breeding & Always in Negative aproach 4 Development of Human & Animals too

    Mahendra Possessing or rearing Indian animals or keeping them as pets - specicially the schedule Animals / birds / reptiles etc. is an offence. Even collecting shells from sea shores which are listed in the Sechdule of the Wild Life Protection Act i also an offences. Keeping exotic animal, i,e, animals beloning to other countries such as Africa, South America ( Macaws et.) is not permissible under CITES treaty. (Convention on Trade in nedangered Species of Wildl Flora and Fauna).

    DrMangesh Is there Saving Clause in WL(P)1972?

    Mahendra If every one wants to keep a wild animal as a pet than where will you get thpose animals / birds. On;ly from the wild population. The Wild population will reduce and eventtually disappear. Persoannly I am aganist keeping pets, specially wild animals and birds. Cows, dogs, cats, horses is diff.

    Mahendra No. Captive breeding of endangered species in a scientific manner is permissible to prevent theoir extinction.

    Susan Doda, what is your view? Mahendra Can we call it a day.

    Susan I guess so.

    Susan Thank you everyone. Esply Mr. Vyas.

    DrMangesh Thanks 2 all of u.

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