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Chat on "Taking Responsibility for One's Carbon Emissions" dated February 18, 2008


    In the chat room



    Clinton Goa










    Susan             Welcome to IWC chat on 18 February 2008

    dsilva    hi susan: you can see i have logged in

    dsilva    thanks

    Susan   The topic today is “Taking Responsibility for

    One’s Carbon Emissions.”

    Susan   Hi DSilva

    Susan   Till others join in, would you like to say

    something by way of introdn?

    dsilva    Do you mean the topic, or me?

    Susan   About the topic and how you came to be

    interested in it

    Susan   Hello shashi

    dsilva    I am an environmental scientist by training,

    so naturally I am interested in environmental work.

    But what I realized after attending many meetings and

    attending several seminars is that a lot of people

    talk about the environment but do not believe in

    taking responsibility for their actions. Hence I got

    interested in this topic.


    sbalan   hi

    dsilva    I believe in starting with myself: therefore I

    take responsibility for all the carbon dioxide

    emissions that result from my life-style--be it air

    or road travel, energy consumption, and so forth.

    Susan   Hi balan

    sbalan   I am also interested in this topic can i have

    any info regarding a core research doing by any


    sbalan   Hi Susan

    dsilva    I am not sure what kind of research you are

    looking for

    shashi   Hi D'Silva I am a concerned citizen, would

    like to do my bit for reducing my own carbon

    footprint, any suggestions?

    dsilva    Sure Shashi. There are quite a few things you

    can do, apart from the usual ones--such as use public

    transport, turn off electrical appliances at the end

    of the day, and so forth. The first step you should

    take is to find out your carbon footprint, if you

    have not done this already.

    Susan   Hello dabral

    shashi   and how does one calculate one's footprint?

    dabral   Hi Susan

    Govind             Hello All, Hi Susan!



    dsilva    There are any number of websites where you

    can check--for example, is one of


    shashi   thank you dsilva I will unfortunately I need

    to sign out for another call

    Clinton Goa             Hello everyone, this is Clinton from

    GreenGoa... logging in from coldish Stockholm

    dabral   I have some work to save trees from being

    felled for developmental work. I am not against

    development but only want to see it to be a little

    more eco-friendly.

    dabral   Can some one tell me about carbon credits?

    dsilva    There is a ton of material on carbon credits

    on the internet. You could probably start with the

    basics on Wikipedia

    Clinton Goa             this christmas, i received a

    christmas present which was a certificate stating

    that 1 tonne of co2 was offset as a compensation to

    my flights from goa to stockholm and back

    Govind             Hi to doc dsilva...are there any

    scientifically referenced methods for calculating

    one's C footprint?

    dabral   I have saved over 90000 trees from being

    felled for construction of the Tehri Dam tranmission

    line. Do you think I can earn carbon credits for this


    Susan   Internet info can sometimes be too

    overwhelming- Someone like you can put it in simple


    Govind             @dabral..but then how are they doing

    it..without the transmission lines?

    Clinton Goa             while i know that one can buy credits

    to offset carbon emissions, is it possible to earn

    credits by growing trees, replacing to low energy

    bulbs, so that there is also a financial benefit to

    carbon credits?



    dsilva             DEFRA--the British government agency--is

    aiming to standardize all the calculations relating

    to air travel as different calculators often give

    different results

    dsilva    Saving trees unfortunately may not earn you

    carbon credit. Carbon credit is a bit complicated.

    You have to prove a series of things--eg, that the

    emission reduction is real, that the methodology used

    to do the calculation is proven, that the claims have

    been verified independently, and so forth

    Clinton Goa             yes... Dr. D'Silva.. I read about

    that... but do you think that carbon credits are an

    easy way for a rich person to pay off his guilt about

    consuming more resources... but not really helping

    the problem of reducing ones carbon footprint?

    dabral             Govind-They just had to make the transmission

    line above the tree canopy and use some modern

    technologies. The forest lobby got the sanctions from

    GOI . It was not necessary to cut so many trees.

    Govind             hm....that sounds interesting...but to the

    best of my should have

    applied..earlier for the project....

    Govind             or can ask THDC to apply for

    Carbon credits...and then use the money they

    carry out the modern technology work!

    dsilva    Yes, Clinton. There is a big debate on the

    very issue you raised: whether it isn't just a way

    for the rich to pay for their guilt. Real emission

    reduction should also include with some changes in

    one's lifestyle

    dabral   dsilva-There are Government / Supreme Court

    records which give me the credit for saving the

    trees. Would that help?

    Govind             But now that its already been done..I dont

    think u can apply for the credits anymore :(

    dabral   Which are the agencies in India which give

    the carbon credits?

    Govind             the MoEF

    Govind             thro other ministries and state depts

    dsilva    Dabral: It is a start, but I am not sure

    whether it will help you get the credits in the end.

    I have calculated that the cost of getting carbon

    credits--what economists call transaction cost--can

    be anywhere from $25,000 to $250,000. I'm not sure

    you want to attempt that

    dsilva    Carbon credits are not issued by the Govt of

    India. For this purpose, there is a separate UN body

    Clinton Goa             i recently read that in kerala, the

    govt was proposing a scheme to provide cfl lighting

    at a low cost to its people by reducing the cost by

    bulk purchase as well as claiming carbon credits for

    its actions... can this actually work? if so, then,

    it should be done nationwide or worldwide..

    Govind             This site will help:

    dabral   There are several other issues like

    controlling the forest departments from causing the

    forest fires, planting trees in denuded slopes,and a

    number of other initiatives which will result to

    saving lakhs of trees in the near future.

    dsilva    Clinton: There are several proposals to get

    carbon credits for change-over to CFL bulbs,

    including one in China for 10 million bulbs. But the

    problem is one of verification.

    Govind             at dsilva: but in order to

    apply...don we need to approach th govt...plz


    dsilva    Yes, Govind the MOEF serves as the

    facilitator. It has to grant what is called "host

    country approval" at the initial stage without which

    the project cannot proceed

    dabral   i have no idea about how the machinery works

    in India? But I do suppose there would be some


    dsilva    For host country approval, you have to

    demonstrate that your project meets the "sustainable

    development" objectives of the country. These are

    fairly simple objectives.

    Clinton Goa             dr D'Silva... if say, one took care

    of the verification, what would the net reduction in

    cost amount to? if these figures were made

    available... there would be more incentive to go




    Susan   Can we come back to the issue of individual

    footprint- what an individual can do- not with the

    aim of claiming carbon credit though

    dsilva    The MOEF actually is quite good on this

    Govind             One of the best sites in India..for carbon

    emission rates...and other CER stuffs that I've

    discovered so far is Carbon Yatra!!



    Govind             if u sign up for thr newsletter..u also get

    the present rates and related things!

    dsilva    Yes, lets get back to the original topic of

    individual carbon footprint. Carbon Yatra is a start,

    but unfortunately it relies on a British carbon


    Clinton Goa             hmm.. i recently read that you can

    reduce your carbon footprint by changing your diet...

    becoming a vegetarian and eating food that is grown

    closer to home.. if wonder if people are prepared to

    make sacrifices?

    dsilva    I am curious to know how many of the online

    users know their carbon footprint

    Govind             Sacrfices...that too when the lobby against

    the concept of anthropogenic global

    surfacing again....with scientific evidences this


    dabral   Clinton Goa _I think eating less would also

    help a lot of people in the cities.

    Susan   I dont

    Clinton Goa             i dont! we need more standardization

    first i suppose! but i would like to know where i

    could find out..

    Govind             Neither do those internet calculators

    actually work!!!? ;)

    dsilva    It is quite ok if you don't know your carbon

    footprint. You can make a start with one of the

    carbon calculators on the internet. They generally

    give you an estimate. That's a start. Unless you know

    what your footprint is, you will not feel like taking

    remedial measures.

    Govind             hm..wud try one real soon!

    Govind             Im sorry (sorry for myself for missing

    this)...but I need to rush. Thanks for all the


    Susan   Thanks and bye Govind



    dsilva    My carbon footprint for 2007 was 23.7 tons of

    Co2, which is higher than that of an average

    American! Of this, 23 tons was on account of air

    travel, mostly international. I have succeeded in

    reducing my emissions by (a) changing my light bulbs

    to CFL, and (b) recycling some of my garbage through

    vermicomposting. But that's still not enough

    dabral   Thanks and all the best. Your contribution was

    informative and helpful. thanks again

    vigyanvijay             hi, everyone, this id ajitseshadri


    Clinton Goa             hmm... but dr. Dsliva, is there a way

    out to reduce air travel?

    dsilva    So I plan to contribute about Rs 10,000 (the

    cost of offsetting my emissions) to a village to

    either (a) plant trees or (b) change to CFL bulbs or

    (c) start vermiculture

    Clinton Goa             i know travel by train is an

    option... but not practical and more expensive when

    in long distances..

    dsilva    Clinton: that's a tough one. Take my case. I

    need to go to Africa at least twice a year. How can I

    get there except flying? But in a few cases, one

    could take the train or bus instead of flight. In

    your case, you could take the train from Stockholm to


    dabral   Hi. Ajit. We met at IIT D a couple of months


    vigyanvijay             yes,dabral,i think you are doing work

    at mountains

    Clinton Goa             but with such cheap air ticket

    prices...esp in europe... i can fly from stockholm to

    berlin for Rs. 230/- one way incl taxes ...

    dsilva    Yes, that's part of the dilemma.

    Clinton Goa             and the cost of the train to the same

    place would be 15 times that price...

    dabral   Yes Ajit. Welcome to the chat

    vigyanvijay             all should attempt to reduce

    footprint, with local initiatives for global

    benefits...can we do it, what to attempt..




    dsilva    I would be interested to know if any one of

    you intend to check your carbon footprint through the

    internet websites one of these days?

    Clinton Goa             perhaps a carbon tax should be

    imposed on items that unnecessarily increase your

    carbon footprint... or perhaps avoiding travel by

    online chats and video conferencing?

    dabral   sure I will do that

    Susan   Ajit welcome-you sure take care of a lot of

    people's carbon footprint by your activities.

    dsilva    France and the UK intend to introduce carbon

    tax on all flights originating in Europe

    vigyanvijay             yes, every thing counts, thanks susan

    for your encouragement, i had told govind i will and

    will join the chat,,, he has gone missing...

    Clinton Goa             dr d'silva, i just visited

    carbonyatra to see my footprint... but it just asks

    me about my travel... nothing about reducing ones

    energy in lighting, or composting... could you

    suggest a more comprehensive webiste?

    Susan             Videoconferencing as opposed to air travel is

    already happening in many companies.

    Susan   as a way of cost cutting but helps carbon

    footprint too

    dabral   Where can I get more information about the

    carbon tax on flights in UK and other countries?

    dsilva    Yes, videoconferencing was introduced in

    Andhra Pradesh several years ago to cut official

    travel and is working fine

    dsilva    Carbon tax on flights is just a proposal. As

    you can imagine, the airlines are opposing it. But

    they are also getting ready to comply. A few airlines

    already have voluntary carbon offsets.

    dsilva    Folks, if you have not done already I

    recommend you change over to CFL bulbs. I have helped

    a village in AP to change all their bulbs and the

    results are amazing. If you're interested in the

    details I can provide you

    Clinton Goa             honestly though... individuals

    reducing their footprint hardly makes a dfference...

    we need bigger groups of people to make any

    significant changes..

    dabral   Dr. dsilva - Pl. provide the details

    especially how you overcame the resistance and the

    extra cost of the cfl installation. Moreover can we

    do anything about the tubewells?



    Clinton Goa             But Dr. Disilva... while CFL reduces

    your carbon footprint... its more toxic to it contains mercury, and unless it

    becomes more price competitive... it will still

    remain as a choice for the upper middle class..

    vigyanvijay             DSILVA's recipe of CFL is good,,, and

    has yielded direct gains for many...also in houses in

    which you can see the electric meter turning the

    consumptions are less... this was an interesting

    observation done in a hostel at a college in TN.

    dsilva    In the village of Kisthapur, after consulting

    the village elders and the women's groups, we

    collectively decided to change all the incandescent

    bulbs to CFLs. So 14 watts CFL replaced 60 watt

    incandescent bulbs. This will result in a 50%

    reduction of energy in the village, or a total of 35

    Mw hours per year, valued at Rs 87,500 per year to

    the village. There was no resistance. Instead there

    was a lot of joy because the incandescent bulbs

    apparently rarely lasted a month

    vigyanvijay             susan, you ought to make a white

    paper after chat every month, such interesting

    concepts that are being discussed!!

    Susan   We do publish the chat transcripts online

    every month See



    dabral   Dr. Dsilva- were the villagers agreeable to

    foot in the extra cost of the CFL

    dsilva    Here are a few ideas that you can take with

    you. First, plant at least one tree a year, if not

    more. Second, donate a CFL bulb to a needy household,

    apart from changing the bulbs in your own household.

    Clinton Goa             unfortunately... when i switched to

    cfl last year... the bulbs didn't last as long as

    they should... because of bad power fluctuations in

    the village i live in Goa. It may have reduced my

    carbon footprint... but turned out to so expensive

    that i now have to live with a mix of cfl as well as

    incandecent lighting in my home




    dsilva    Dabral: I got the villagers to contribute

    just ten rupees because that is the cost of a normal

    bulb. My friends and I chipped in for the rest of the


    Clinton Goa             that's a great idea Dr. D'Silva

    vigyanvijay             dr.d'silva pl do be in touch whenever

    u come to delhi pl feel free to be in touch , it goes

    for all folks.. website

    dsilva    The concept of donate a CFL is being taken

    seriously by a school in Bombay where I advise on

    environmental matters. The students have started a

    collection. So far they have collected 125 CFLs,

    enough to change the bulbs in a village

    dabral   That is how the resistance was overcome.

    Because when I tried to talk to some villagers to

    switch to CFL they said give us the bulbs free. We

    will try them first.

    dabral   I like the concept of donation of CFL bulbs

    in schools. This is something I would try.

    dsilva    Clinton: I have a proposal to change bulbs in

    one school in Goa in case you are interested

    Clinton Goa             but what about disposal of cfl? we

    have no system to take care of the mercury in them.

    Toxics Links has been researching on this. Perhaps

    the newer LED lighting technology is better than CFL.

    But it's harder to find in the market.




    dsilva    Yes, the small amount of mercury is a

    problem, but I understand a lot of research is being

    done to reduce this. In fact, Havell claims their new

    CFLs do not have any mercury, but this claim needs to

    be independently verified

    Susan   It is good that action points are emerging

    from this chat room

    Clinton Goa             i would be. I'm back in Goa in mid

    March. you could get it touch with me via Susan who's

    on my group or contact me at or

    +919890936828 (India) +46762976399 (Sweden)

    dabral   What is the toxic content in the waste of CFL

    vis a vis incandesent bulbs



    dsilva    I should also mention that the Rotary Club of

    Bombay is thinking of helping slum dwellers to change

    their bulbs as a way to conserve energy

    dsilva    Dabral: I am not very sure. I have not seen

    any statistics comparing the two

    dsilva    Coming back to trees ... Any one interested

    in the idea of planting at least a tree a year?

    Susan   If we have no more questions, can you sum up,

    Dr. D'Silva

    Susan   Sorry go ahead

    Clinton Goa             its about 4-5mg of mercury in CFL.

    incandescnt have none. But they both also have lead

    solder...which is toxic..

    dabral   I plant about three hundred trees every year.

    This year it will beDeodar trees in Tarakeshwar in

    Pauri Garhwal.

    dabral   It was very nice to be a part of this chat.

    Thanks everyone

    dsilva    Carbon emission reduction is a big and

    complicated topic. But it helps if one starts with an

    idea of one's own contribution towards global

    warming, but understanding one's carbon footprint is

    a good start. It is important to take responsibility

    for one's actions which lead to Co2 emissions.

    Clinton Goa             Thanks to the organizers for this

    interesting chat. We should have introduced ourselves

    too... -Clinton Vaz

    dsilva    Among ameliorative measures, some of the

    ideas discussed were planting trees and changing to

    energy-efficient bulbs

    Susan   Thank you everyone for a very illuminating


    dsilva    I hope the discussants follow through the

    promised actions

    dabral             J.P.Dabral of Himalayn Chipko Foundation

    dsilva    Thank you all for inviting me. Good to chat

    with you all

    Disliva...and everybody else too.. Clinton Vaz of


    Clinton Goa             i'm sure we will... thanks Dr.                   

    Susan   To reduce a daunting subject to the

    individual level- is the beginning of taking

    action-Thanks Dr. D'Silva

    dsilva    Good bye everyone

    dabral  Thank you and good bye


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