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Chat on "Tiger Census" dated January 18, 2006

    Susan Welcome to IWC chat on " Tiger Census"

    Imran S Hi Susan

    Susan Welcome !

    Imran S All over Census started on 16th and volunteers are already on field.

     Imran S Ok, So Susan what shall we talk on

    Susan Tell us how GIS is used in tiger census

    swetha hi every one, Iam interested in wild life

    Susan Welcome Swetha

    swetha Iam interested in wild life and to know a lot about wild life

    swetha thank you susan

    Susan Do you find our website useful in giving some info?

    swetha i am online for the first time

    Imran S Susan lets discuss about TIger Census

    swetha i dont have any specific interest in any animal bez i feel all animals are important and have equal importance

    Susan Yes, Imran waiting for you to tell us about GIS

    swetha ok lets talk about tiger census

    Imran S GIS is gonna play major role in Census this year

    Imran S But lets discuss the latest methodology. Till date this is first time that we are trying to do census not based on Pugmarks only

    Imran S Since 1970 when One forester Chowdary wrote a paper in one Journal, we used to do census basing on the count of pugmarks of each animal

    Imran S It was simple said but very complex in execution, Forest Guards, Volunteers etc. spread out in forest

    Imran S Specially in lean month of May when water is little in forest streams and waterholes, tigers or leopards have to visit these waterholes atleast once a day

    Imran S So having known about the presence of waterholes and their location, Officials go and prepare Pug Impression Pads(PIPs). PIPs are nothing but on each entrace to waterhole on animal trails earth is cleaned and fine sand is put using a mesh making a soft layer on which it is easy to trace and locate pugmarks.

    Susan That is very interesting. the details are..

    swetha ok

    Imran S Animal has to pass through this PIP and early in morning we are supposed to check for pugmarks

    Susan As long as the pugmarks are taken correctly, this could have been a cost effective method.

     Imran S of course

     Imran S Pugmarks are looked for on Cart tracks, Near lakebeds, on River beds. Animals normally avoid stony ways, So they walk on a trail which is like a Kacha Rasta in forest.

    Imran S Often referred as Game Trails

    swetha ok

    Imran S On such intersections also PIPs are useful; So pugmarks are collected from whatever possible sources-near a kill, beside roads or jeep tracks etc.

    Imran S And this is collected for 1 week

    Imran S Teams are formed for the purpose and each team is given some area

     Jayant Hello everyone

    Susan Welcome Jayant

    Imran S Now as most animals are territorial it becomes mandatory for that territorial Leopard or Tiger to visit atleast one water hole

    Imran S So these pugmarks are collected and assemebled in office on the final night

    Jayant It's good to be back after may days

    Imran S   Hi Jayant!

    Imran S These are put on maps and Duplicates are tried to be removed

    Imran S Temeperatures can soar from 45 -48 in May

    Jayant in 1990 & 91 I was a team member for leaopard census in Bhimashankar WLS

    Imran S Anyways these are analysed u can know Sexes, Species and some say also individuals

    Imran S Ok

    Jayant I would like to know how do you use a GIS

    Imran S Tigers have  huge pugmarks

    swetha Hi jayant this is swetha

    Imran S Lets come to it Swetha is new to this I think

    Imran S  Anything less than 5 cms u can ignore to be cats; Leopards are 8-11 CMs; and tigers are 13-17 cms

    Jayant especailly around human settlements as it could be dogs!

    swetha ok but i want to know is there any way to identify tiger and leapord pug mark

    Imran S If cubs happen to be there Mothers pugmarks will be accompanied

    Imran S Yeah the size and shape

    swetha what if its a baby tiger or a baby lepord

    Imran S Dogs pugmarks are longish size around 8-12 cms

    Imran S We need to have a mother nearby, as Cubs small will not be seen alone

    swetha ok

    Imran S No But listen, Dogs have a nail mark on there impressions

    Jayant Jim corbett's Jungle Lore is a good book to read on this jungle signs

     Imran S And if u observe u can differentiate between Wolf, Village Dog, Wild Dog, Hyena, Jackal etc..

    Imran S Ok, I read it long ago.

    Imran S Jayanth it is such fun looking at these pugmarks and coming to conclusions .. isnt it

    Jayant on a jungle trail it is fun to read all these signs and infer from them correctly.

    Jayant you bet its is

    Imran S Anyways Sub Adult tiger and leopard can be mixup

    Imran S But Leopards pugmark are more compact and once u see them u will not forget

    Jayant true

    Jayant as we are running out of time can we come to the mapping part

    Imran S But for Leopard it looks that palm is in propotion for its fingers, unless they fall on loose soil they look quite close to each other

    Imran S And for Tiger Cubs it will be something like spread out, with palm relatively bigger for the fIngers

    Imran S Mapping is nothing but a trail which is geographically known.

    Imran S See every point on earth has a Lat-Long information

    Susan Jayant, the session is so interesting, do not worry about time .

    Imran S so whenever we get some evidence we try to take that location and put that on map

    Imran S This when put on that sancturies map will let u know where is that animal moving

    Imran S See GIS is huge field, but I am talking only about census use

    Jayant I was a GIS user once upon a time, also I know it would be a useful tool here

    Imran S Now a new method had ben proposed by Project tiger Directorate

     Imran S Yeah in this

    Jayant  Ionly want to know if it is used nowadays for wildlife census.

    Imran S We cannot search each part of sanctuary as they are quite large.

     Imran S So a method of sampling is so useful, Randomly we draw say 20 lines in forest

    Imran S Each line is 4 kms long; First drawn on GIS map taking the LAt-Long we put this on the field.

    Imran S that is we colour the tress in a line of 4 kms

     Imran S on this we do sampling

    Imran S 1. Sampling for TIger leopard and other carnivores encounter rates. 2. Herbivore encounter rate. 3. Pellets vegetation and human disturbance encounter

    swetha ok

    Susan Encounter by pugmarks?

    Imran S This is put on map; Since trail is based on map it will run from any place to anyplace

    Imran S Any direct or Indirect evidences of which pugmark is one

    Jayant these maps would be very intresting to analyse.

    Imran S Exactly, jayanth

    Imran S since this is just sample of what really is in forest, GIs can use this data and we can determine the total poulation using simple statistics

    Imran S These tracks are also determined by GIS

    Imran S Like of 20 trails, 5 in dense forest , 5 in open forest 5 passing through streams and hills

    Jayant Are wateholes also marked here?

    Imran S each 5 kms away form each other

    Imran S Now u are not going to favourite habiats

    Imran S yeah waterholes data is also put into GIS analysis

    Imran S This method of sampling may not give exact count

    Imran S But a very good estimate of preybase of tigers

    Imran S That will determine the health of that forest

    Imran S Whereas for tiger counts one has to use camera trapping

    Jayant This is an estimate and qute good for the resource input

    swetha ok

    Imran S First initial surveys are done to determine what are waterholes and movememnt of big cats

    Jayant personnally i am against radio collaring etc

    Susan There must be a way of looking at incremental census of prey base -that is what can indicate levels of decrease or increase in large carnivorous.

    Imran S yes, susan, this has to be done for many years in all the seasons

     Imran S like in Summer the visibility in forest may be good

    Jayant ok i have to leave now. it was a very learning expericene for me here today

    Jayant Thanks Imran. Sweta and Susan for this great time

    Imran S Or in Rains there will be less litter allowing us to go near animals

     Susan Thanks for coming Jayant See you more often!

    Imran S thanks jayanth

    Susan Imran, what happened to the Tadoba Census where you asked for volunteers?


    Imran S Sweta read this

    Imran S Yeah problem was that forest dept were finding difficult to give permission only for weekends

    Imran S so they asked for people shud come for 10-15 days in a row

    swetha I will be happy if we continue the chat for some more time

    Susan Is there a census on there now?

    Imran S in the end we had only 5 volunteers going for that

    Imran S hehe!!

     Imran S In whole of india it is on now

    Imran S WHere do u live swetha

    Susan Shwetha, what would you like the topic for next month to be?

     Imran S In forest only thing to worry is Bears, else u can literally walk alone in forest no animal will harm u

    swetha i am from Hyderabad

    Imran S And Elephants

    Imran S Hey, thats cool

    Imran S Y dont u go for census now tommorow

    Imran S I will arrange everything


    Susan Do you mean habitats?

    swetha ok

    Imran S Are u interested to join census now

     Imran S See we have a group called Hyderabad Tiger conservation society or HYTICOS

    Susan Imran One boy from Mumbai is interested . I will forward his mail to you

    Imran S Do u know about that, or do u know about WWF or Kids for Tigers

    swetha yes i am intersted

    Imran S See our volunteers must be in bus now can u call now

    Imran S Asif 98852 44925 or Akhil 988598980

    swetha i heard about it

    Imran S anyways how old are u

    Imran S and what u do, I am also from Hyderabad but now in Dubai

     Imran S We work in Kawal Willdife sanctuary for past 5 years for Conservation

    swetha i am 26yr

    Imran S good enough, I mean old enough, u can join, i f u want I will put u in Kawal

    swetha i am interested in joining you all but i dont have any contact no to reach any one

    Imran S Akhil 988598980

    swetha i am happy to know that you are helping our wild life

    swetha is he from hyderabad

    Imran S or call 08739 246202 G Ravinder Reddy

    Imran S Tell him that u want to Join with Asif Akhil and Imran has sent u to him

    Imran S Akhil is in Bus now going to Kawal WLS

    Imran S Kawal WLS is in Adilabad 240 Kms form Hyd

    Imran S we have good accomodation there and census has just started

    Imran S we have 16-18 tigers in that Sanctuary,

    swetha i want to join them is it posible to join them on sat morning

    Imran S dont miss that if u can afford time

    Imran S There can be no better chance to learn more about census and wildife

    Susan I have forwarded a mail from Azhar Kazi to you just now. He wants to volunteer too.

    Imran S Ok call them now before they go out of range

    swetha i just have to spk to my dad about it

    Susan Shwetha , I hope that you join too. It will be a GREAT learning experience.

    swetha ok

    swetha i will be in touch with them so that i can be a part of it

    Imran S Ok he is from Gujarat

    Imran S sure swetha, keep those numbers with u safely

    swetha ok

    Imran S See this is office number of head quaters of sanctuary 08739 246264

     swetha thank you very much for your help

    Susan Imran, you have made the census process pretty clear. Thanks for that. I will go through the site you recommended too.

    Imran S Arey I am glad to know we have people like u in Hyderabad

    swetha thank you hope i know you

    swetha i mran did you ever work with any of the society in Hyderabad

    Susan We have had a long chat today. Are you guys ready to call it a day?

    swetha do we need to end the chat?

    Imran S Yes i worked with BSAP< WWF< HYTICOS, Nallamalai foundation

    Susan Shwetha, I am afraid so. there are capacity restrictions on the site.

     Imran S Ok swetha do mail me at,

    swetha ok

    Imran S or add me on Yahoo chat at

    swetha if you dont mind can you tell me the society

    Imran S Anyways contact ritu now at 9848989989 or Akhil 988598980

    Susan Imran, thank you very much. After the census is over may be we can have another chat on the same topic.

    Imran S definitely we shud have more chats

    swetha ok

    Imran S not just on census but also into action of conservation

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