Chat Archives
Chat on "Environment Education" dated July 18, 2005

    Online chat on 18 th July 2005 on "Environment Education”


    Susan: Welcome to IWC chat on "Environment Education"

    Susan: Are you in education by any chance?

    Chait: yes, wild life is my hobby

    Susan: what do you teach?

    Chait: i organise camps

    Chait: so I teach priliminary things on birds,snakes, wild animals, forests etc.

    Susan: How do you find the participants interest in environment?

    Chait: 95% r very much interested

    Susan: Are your participants children?

    Chait: and youths,too

    Chait: can i know about you,too?

    Susan: I spend most of my time for IWC and I make documentaries .

    Chait: so u must have ben to most of our jungles, must be lucky gal...

    Geeta: Hi Chait, Susan

    Susan: Yes, many of them like Ranthambore, Corbett

    Geeta: and I have been to Tadoba , Bandhavgarh, Corbett, Thekkady

    Chait: cool

    Susan: What about you Chait?

    Chait: ever been to gir?

    Susan: No

    Geeta: Not me either

    Chait: its like heaven

    Geeta: What all did you see there?

    Susan: Do you take the campers to Gir?

    Chait: i have been to sariska, ranthambhor,tadoba,and all other of gujarat

    Chait: yes, i do

    Susan: So you believe the best way to teach willife is to be actually there.

    Chait: yes

    Shweta: hi susan

    Chait: hey, y some of messages r not reaching there?

    Susan: Hi Shewta

    Chait: if u r in jungle, u can convey your thoughts very clearly

    Chait: hi shweta !

    Shweta: i am based in lucknow

    Chait: I am from Gujarat

    Susan: I am in Gurgaon

    Shweta: i am very much concerned with environment education

    Geeta: What do you think is the best way to sensitise people to environment, esply children

    Shweta: i m working with children these days to sensitize them for the cause of conservation

    Chait: every summer i pass thru ur city,susan

    Planter: hi everyone

    Chait: hi planter

    Susan: Hi Planter

    Planter: Hi Susan and Chait

    Chait: every summer i take a group of my members to himalaya

    Shweta: hi

    Geeta: What do you do planter?

    Planter: Susan I am Ankur, Wrote about the man-elephant conflict

    Planter: I am a Tea Planter

    Chait: i think geeta is very calm girl

    Chait: she is just listening

    Susan: Ankur, did you get any responses to your query on Blog?

    Planter: Thanks for introducing me to this site

    Planter: No none yet

    Chait: ankur, i m a new member

    Shweta: susan what do u feel about the state of environment and the role of kids

    Geeta: chait, which part of Himalyas did you go to?

    Chait: can u explain it to me?

    Planter: Thanks for the help anyway

    Chait: i have been on mount kamet in an expedition

    Geeta: uttaranchal, Kashmir?

    Chait: but i take kids near manali

    Shweta: i ve also taken students to nature camp this summer to Ranikhet

    Geeta: Where is Mount Kamet?

    Chait: ohh, i have been to hp, uttaranchal

    Chait: last year, i was there for one night

    Planter: Sorry to interupt you ladies but I wanted to draw your attention to the extensive use of pesticides in Tea Plantations

    Susan: Shweta, I think kids are curious and able to absorb a lot-They can influence their parents

    Chait: i was on the way back from trek to gulfu glacier

    Shweta: we actually celebrated world environment day there

    Chait: u r right susan

    Chait: june 5th?

    Planter: The worst part is that no one seems to be bothered about the ir-repairable loss that is being done

    Chait: u r right

    Shweta: susan i am working hard for making them realize the conditionof mother earth but some how here i lack cooperation from people

    Chait: would you like some activities in gujarat?

    Geeta: Pesticides are entering our food chain. What is its impact on the local environment

    Planter: Can anything be done susan

    Planter: There has been no study

    Geeta: Planter, what is the attitude of top mgmt towards the use of pesticides? and its impact on environ

    Planter: I am sure it is considerable

    Susan: I think there is need for education there

    Chait: it needs an extensive mass movement

    Shweta: my kids r really active

    Chait: because the production growth is required by every farmer

    Susan: Use our website to create awareness-write blogs, write articles

    Planter: Well I work for a company which claims to be commited to environment protection but spend Rs 2000 per Hectare on Chemical pest Control

    Planter: Who do I educate

    Planter: People who would read the blog are not the people who make decisions

    Geeta: Any use of natural pest control measures also?

    Chait: but is that convincing the farmers planter?

    Chait: i think farmers are not adopting that pesticides

    Planter: first of all the people who matter need to decide to look 4 alternatives

    Susan: If you do astudy of your area and suggest alternatives to chemicals we can publish it in the ezine

    Chait: because they r after fast growth and more crop

    Planter: Chait majority of Tea is not grown by farmers but by large plantations owned by big companies chait if they use organic fert. they can get enough crop chait if they use organic fert. they can get enough crop

    Chait: if they use organic fert. they can get enough crop

    Shweta: but it will soon reduce the fetility of soil

    Chait: but they r not easy to spend time and efforts after it

    Planter: I cant susan. I would lose my job. I hope you understand

    Geeta: We need to keep trying and it could make an impact on some decision makers

    Chait: yes, but they dont think about far future

    Geeta: Is your company that closed to new ideas?

    Planter: That is the issue chait

    Shweta: that the biggest problm 2day

    Chait: i m trying to educate kids and youth about toxic effects of fertilizers

    Chait: but they r not the users

    Planter: do you know that the majority of tea sold in the Tea Auctions is not even tested for MRLs of Pesticides

    Chait: but if they r after all tah things, they 'll lose the market

    Geeta: Are there house magazines of your company where youcan givesuggestions?

    Chait: its like a vicious circle dear planter

    Shweta: we need another sunita narayan here

    Susan: We can all be Sunita Narains if we wish to

    Chait: its a matirialistic atmosphere

    Planter: Dear Gita why mine all Tea companies are closed to new ideas

    Planter: Thaere are some estates in the area who have gone organic and are still surviving

    Chait: let ppl have acid rains

    Chait: perhaps they can understand what they are causing to mother earth!

    Shweta: chait we cant wait for it

    Chait: yes,susan

    Planter: I disagree with this chait. We are not here to display pessimism

    Chait: u r right

    Chait: we are trying to aware ppl

    Shweta: we know the response of US to globle warming in this G 8

    Planter: Let me share my predicament with you

    Chait: but what if they r upto being dumb?

    Susan: Lack of Awareness among youth and adult of today is responsible for many excesses

    Chait: yes,

    Susan: We can make case studies of the organic farms and distribute

    Planter: I am a Senior Assistant Manager in a big company

    Chait: so u can just start to use organics planter

    Planter: I am personally responsible for deploying and ensuring Pest Control

    Chait: have u ever used germicides made from neem?

    Planter: I do not have the freedom to decide on alternatives as they might result in crop loss

    Chait: neem is the best germicide

    Shweta: susan we are young and energetic why cant we do this

    Chait: but u can test it on some plants

    Shweta: why cant we use media for awareness

    Susan: That is the spirit Shweta

    Shweta: media can play important role

    Geeta: Planter, can you carry out an expt in a small area and assess the yield? from use of bothnalternatives?

    Chait: we were fighting against plastic since last three years in my city

    Chait: thru eco clubs of schools

    Planter: My personal experience with most of the commercially available neem products has been very poor

    Chait: now, after 3 years, polythin bags below 20 microns are banned

    Chait: but u can try to make it at your own

    Shweta: chait i agree with you that its today child who can really bring change

    Planter: It cannot be tried at a large scale

    Geeta: There is lot of pioneering work being done by Vandana Shiva why not check on the net

    Chait: u have to stick on it

    Chait: and the ridiculous thing, i would like to tell is....

    Shweta: susan why cant we run a mass movement for environment education

    Chait: wow

    Chait: right my name first

    Shweta: since supreme court also made it compulsory

    Susan: Shweta can you be more specific

    Shweta: then also its been a year now

    Chait: I m going to 6 schools regularly and run eco clubs there

    Geeta: Planter are you still there?

    Chait: i dont make them masters in environment just

    Lalit: Hi to all

    Susan: Lalit having come late, shoot your qns fast

    Chait: just creating love in there hearts for mother earth

    Chait: Hi lalit

    Shweta: if you go and find the no of school colleges really following it ,u will be surprized

    Chait: they r working on it

    Chait: the change in their mentality is tremendous

    Chait: i m satisfied, i have got results

    Susan: Environment Education is finally an attitude change, so Chait is doing something great

    Shweta: but here the condition is not good

    Chait: thnks susan

    Chait: but i m juast repaying .0000001% to mother earth

    Chait: I m trying to convey my message to all the ppl

    Planter: hi lalit

    Susan: Shweta do you teach Env.Edn as a subject? You can may be take Chaits help in getting the hands on exp

    Lalit: Well I am a Travel Agent & Specialised in School Grouping, Love to encourage the Young students to preserve the Wildlife & the Nature.Suggest me behalf of ur side. What kind of support can I hope from all of You

    Chait: know its not easy,but we have to stick on it..

    Chait: friends, I m working in state secretariat

    Shweta: chait a ques 4 u ?do u have a team with u or u r doing it all alone

    Chait: where r u frm lalit?

    Planter: Where Chait?

    Chait: i have some youths,

    Chait: i have a good support from media ppl

    Chait: i m in gujarat lalit

    Shweta: susan i am doing my masters in eco tourism with specialization in wild life tourism but i am quite concerned with the kids

    Chait: I m chairman of youth hostels association...

    Shweta: and here i find myself all alone

    Chait: can we help you susan by any mean?

    Chait: shweta,where are you?

    Chait: in lucknow na?

    Shweta: here i cant see anyone to help me for this cause

    Chait: i know some ppl there.

    Shweta: yes

    Planter: Bye eveyone.

    Chait: may be they can help you

    Geeta: shweta what is the attitude of your course mates to environment issues

    Chait: if u wanna visit here,u r wel come

    Planter: Plaese read my blog and get back to me.

    Shweta: i am doing it through distance mode

    Planter: Bye

    Chait: and susan, if you wanna se my activities, we can meet when I m in delhi

    Chait: i m there in chanakyapuri in every summer

    Shweta: susan can you plz tell me how to go about it here

    Chait: always with a group of 45 kids with me heading to the camp in himalayas

    Susan: Bye Planter, Yes Chait we can meet be in touch thro mail

    Chait: shweta, i m ready to help you,too

    Chait: ofcourse yes...

    Chait: mostly whole the day, i m online

    Chait: and my e mail address

    Shweta: but how?

    Chait: we can share our thoughts

    Susan: Shweta, you can meet people with similar interests in Be more active in Blogs, Chats Yahoo group

    Susan: My email is

    Chait: we can make it better together

    Susan: On that note, shall we call it a day?

    Chait: you are the host susan..its up to you

    Susan: Ay suggestion for next months chat?

    Shweta: mine is

    Chait: can we continue on the same?

    Shweta: thanks a lot

    Chait: ok

    Chait: hope the friendship of earthlovers will bring some new light

    Susan: Ok, Bye and thanks to everyone.

    Chait: bye susan,shweta,geeta,lalit !!

Chat Archive
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Man vs Tiger-Can Science help? - July, 2012
Human Elephant Conflict - June, 2012
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"Role of Urban Birds" - April, 2008
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Environmental Education - July, 2006
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Tiger Census - April, 2005
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Offences Against Wildlife - September, 2004
Man Animal Conflict - August, 2004
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Chat on Asian Elephant - January, 2003
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